Pictus Catfish [like Fish]


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I really like the Pictus Catfish. Thwy're active and beauitiful. But I have a 30 gallon tank and they need 75 gallons. So I need a [very] similar fish, suitable for a 30 gallon.
not sure but what about etropiella debauwi<3.1/4inches max<crazy schooling catfish of an african species.........
google it..... :good:

ok sorry just discovered theyve changed the name to eutropiellus
75g for a pims pictus?! Thats news to me, i would of said 40-55g would be big enough.
I kept 3 in a 48G which was fine when they were juvenile. Whe they got bigger, moved them to a 137G and they were a lot happier. They took full advantage of the extra space and and they were out and about more often in the daytime.
As for an alternative, Debauwi cats as Nelly mentioned or Mystus Tengara which are a more peaceful catfish.
featherfin Catfish are nice. The need a minimum tank size of 30 gallon and arn't fussy with arn't conditions!
Also Flagtailed catfish are nice, but they are a bit harder to get hold. You could fit 3 in a 30G
I agree with the suggestion of Eutropiellus debauwi (edit:is the geneus now Pareutropius?:S ), I have 3 in a 190l corner tank, fantastic fish active little fish.

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