Convict Eggs :-)


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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Ok I know hardly suprising my convicts have spawned lol but I am excited about it. They dug 7 pits round the tank under rocks etc before finally tearing a lump of java fern out of a tiny (and I mean tiny) pot and spawned in that! . Bonnie is doing a grand job fanning the eggs although Clyde is a bit lapse at his duties. Kids are so excited watching them looking after the eggs, christmas has come early for them, poor hubby on the other hand has torn out another clump of hair muttering I suppose this means another tank.
Congrats! I would suggest you split them, my HRP started with 70 fry then the other weekend I had to do a tank swap and I could only find 18 :blink: . You dont need a massive tank for fry, shallow tanks work really well if you can find them :) Have a look on Aquarist Classifieds there are always tons of people getting rid of tanks from fish houses that might work for you :)

I would start ringing round a few LFS as well and see who will give you the best offer, if you want credit for the stores you will always get more that way but upto you. I think with con fry you can usually get 50p - £1 per fry depending on where you live.

Thats good to know. I dont know what has happened today but all the eggs have gone from one pot and the female is now guarding another site? do they move the fry about? I didnt think they would have hatched yet at 3 days?
They could have hatched but not sure Cons do breed very quickly. If it was their first batch they could have decided to was not right and want to try again now they have gone for it once they will very quickly do it again
OMG OMG OMG she had moved the babies, she has moved them again this morning out into the open (on a bridge) proudly showing them off!!! ooooooooh soooooo excited, I counted 5 (sarcastic wow lol)
OMG OMG OMG she had moved the babies, she has moved them again this morning out into the open (on a bridge) proudly showing them off!!! ooooooooh soooooo excited, I counted 5 (sarcastic wow lol)

:lol: I get excited when I have new baby Apple snails, god knows what I'd be like if any of my fish had babies. Congrats. PS Tyson and psycho have been collected by Stevem.
Oh thats brill news, glad they are sorted, they will be well happy with Steve.
I have counted 7 babies now, Bonny seems so relaxed when I look in the tank, she or clyde are not threatening me at all, they just act normal. I am trying to stay away from the tank so they dont eat them, but its worse than feeling presents under the tree, you just have to have a peek!
Congratulations! :D
I've just bought my first pair of convicts and I can't wait to be in your shoes :)
Bonny and Clyde are still doing a brill job, Bonny brings the babies out of the pot for a swim around then gathers them all back up after about 20 mins and spits them all back in the pot. She had a bit of a row with Clyde when she left him babysitting as he let one escape halfway across the tank, she caught the baby then chased dad round the tank for 5 mins before putting the baby safely back. For their first spawn they are doing increadibly well, I keep expecting them to eat the young!
She ate them all :-( but then laid another batch of eggs on xmas day! here is hoping these do better!

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