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  1. N

    Help Needed - Glue In Tank.

    Thanks for the reply.. as it happens i found an old powerhead that broke about a year ago (new it would come in handy).. I did look on the back of the epoxy box and there is an image which says Danger to Enviroment with a picture of a dead fish!!!!! This answered my question!!!!!!!!
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    Help - Need Advice And Glue In Tank

    Thanks for the reply.. as it happens i found an old powerhead that broke about a year ago (new it would come in handy).. I did look on the back of the epoxy box and there is an image which says Danger to Enviroment with a picture of a dead fish!!!!! This answered my question!!!!!!!!
  3. N

    Help Needed - Glue In Tank.

    Soneone - Please help.... I need to get my filter on again! Thanks
  4. N

    Help Needed - Glue In Tank.

    Hi, I need some help - I just managed to break my powerhead and cant fit it back into the tank.. The only way is to glue is back together. Can anyone tell me if i could use Araldite (two part epoxy) and if it will be safe in the tank (in the water)? My LFS said it would be fine. Any advice...
  5. N

    Help - Need Advice And Glue In Tank

    Hi, I need some help - I just managed to break my powerhead and cant fit it back into the tank.. The only way is to glue is back together. Can anyone tell me if i could use Araldite (two part epoxy) and if it will be safe in the tank (in the water)? My LFS said it would be fine. Any advice...
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    Converting From Tropical To Marine - Idea?

    What a post!! I'm on page 8 at the moment!!! So UG filters are possible for a SW tank... How much cleaning is involved with UG filters? Do you need to get under the gravel at any point? Or do you think the live rock is just the best option? if so then £155 on live rock is getting over budget...
  7. N

    Converting From Tropical To Marine - Idea?

    Thanks for all the info.... So if i should keep clear of undergravel filters what do you recommend to use along with the tanks own filtration system? Lights... I forgot to mention i would need to upgrade these.. Live rock... Can you buy a little at a time? Tank type... I am looking for a...
  8. N

    Converting From Tropical To Marine - Idea?

    Hi.. Ok, i currently have an AquaOne Tank and iam looking into converting... Speaking to my LFS the guy there said it would be easy to convert... He said all i would need to do is add an under gravel filter with a powerhead, get the salt, coral gravel, and an extra powerhead for water...
  9. N

    Help With Adding Salt...

    That has really helped me!! Thank you. I have a 155L tank, so i will need 465g of salt to raise my tank. Adding 1L at a time is a good idea as not to burn my puffers I guess. I have an air pump, but need an air stone for it.. i will grab one today and get to work.
  10. N

    Help With Adding Salt...

    Thanks for the tool. Looks like i need 3g per L to make .002. One question... If i am trying to raise the tank by .002 how do i work it out? If i have a bucket that has 9L and i add 3g per L to bring this bucket to .002 then when i add this to my tank it will dilute. This is not too much of...
  11. N

    Help With Adding Salt...

    Hi, I need some advice for adding salt to my tank. I have some Res Sea salt and need to know how much to add to increase the sg by .002. I have a 2g bucket which i can use to dissolve the water. I have my refractometer (i need to get some distilled water to configure it), do i test the water...
  12. N

    Ceylon Puffers & Feeding

    Tell me about it!!!!!!!! I purchased two "figure 8" puffers yesterday, only to get home and post a pic on the pufferforum as i was not convinced and found out they were Ceylons!! This caused a big problem as i only had a 25 gallon for them! I had to split my community fish up today and change...
  13. N

    You Lot Are Puffer Mad

    Just got two Ceylon's yesterday!!! Now i need to start adding salt.. Pics:
  14. N

    Filter Type Question?

    Hi, I might try and see if i can get a 2. I only got the 3 because it was the one reccomended by the lfs for the size of tank. My only problem is that it was from ebay as it was a good deal (new). Oh well. Can you tell me how tall the 2 is? Cheers, Neil
  15. N

    Filter Type Question?

    Hi, I am setting up a tank i just got. Its a Clear Seal 30x12x12. For the 1st week i have been using a Interpet PF Mini Internal Power Filter to get thing going. I have ordered a Fluval 3 Plus which turned up today as recommended by a few shops for the size of tank. Its massive!!! It will not...
  16. N

    3 Tanks Of Mine

    StAbbitt, I love the Chunk image!!! Fantastic film!!!
  17. N

    Upload Your Favorite Tank Pic's Here...

    My 3 Tanks: 155L Community: 30L Dwarf Puffer Tank (With Gourami (and yes he gets along just fine): 82L Figure 8 Puffer tank to be (just cycling)
  18. N

    Hydrometer - Any Good?hi

    Thanks for the info. I will ask the seller for the scale. Cheers, Neil
  19. N

    Hydrometer - Any Good?hi

    Hi, Just about to setup a brackish tank and was looking at a hydrometer on ebay.. Can anyone tell me if this will do the trick or is it for top end (marine) ebay number: 7771675612 Thanks Neil
  20. N

    Puffers And Snails

    I have just started breading snails for my puffers. Getting them from the LFS was very hard as the just cleaned them away. I visited a new shop 2 weeks ago and they had a few in the tanks, so i asked if i could have them, to which they were please for me to take them away. I am using a food...
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    Brackish Tank Question

    I thought as much, which is why i thought i would check with someone first!!! Thanks for the info.. I will go get some proper salt then!!
  22. N

    Brackish Tank Question

    Hi, I have just setup a new tank today with the advice from the LFS about Brackish parameters!! They sold me aqualibrium tonic salt and said to use 1 tbs per gallon! After reading the box it only seems to mention info on treating tanks with this and not making a brackish tank. Can anyone...
  23. N

    Aquaone Now In The Uk !

    I know just what you mean... There wasn't any!!!!
  24. N

    Betta Report

    I don’t have much info for you, but as for diet!!! Mine will eat anything: Flake Frozen Bloodworm Frozen Brine Shrimp Cucumber Just about anything i put in there!! Hope this helps you.
  25. N

    Aquaone Now In The Uk !

    Hi, I just wanted to let people out there know that AquaOne now have an office in the UK!! I purchased my Aquaone tank back in November and was happy with the quality, but the backup was almost non extant as they were an Oz company and the LFS where i purchased it from only had limited...
  26. N

    To Settle An Argument I Need Your Opinions

    Not entirely true. I would agree with the barb statement, but my beta lives happily with 2 kissing and 1 red Gouramis and loads of tetras. I do think its pot luck, but it can work in community tank.
  27. N

    Is My Tank Over Stocked ?

    I understand that some of these fish need to grow. The clown is only 1 inch at the moment. The Pakistani loach is fully grown at 5 inches. The kissers don’t seem to be growing. I have had them about 3 months and they are still the same size (4 inches) Headlamps are just a type of Neon (Very...
  28. N

    Is My Tank Over Stocked ?

    Hi, I am trying to gauge if my tank has reached its max volume? I have an AquaOne AR-850 which is 155L ( I currently have: 1 Clown Loach (Baby) 1 Pakistani Loach (Adult) 6 neon's 2 Head Lamps 2 Silver Dollars 1 Balloon Molly 3 Platys 1...
  29. N

    Are Dwarf Puffer Hard To Look After

    Some sand is ok, but they sometimes add chemicals to it. If you can pay the extra £ or $ get it from the LFS. The quality is MUCH better then play sand and it looks much nicer!
  30. N

    Are Dwarf Puffer Hard To Look After

    I have 2 DP's in a heavily planted 6 UK Gallon tank with a few caves. I would only recommend 1 in a 4 gallon with maybe 2 otto's. This seems to be a safe bet as the puffers don’t seem to bother them and they will keep things clean. They are very messy eaters. I use Frozen Blood worm daily and...
  31. N

    Dwarf Puffer Question

    Hi, I have 2 dwarf puffers and like you had the same question.. From what i have read the dwarf puffers beaks dont grow that much and as long as you have a few snails in there you should have no problems... Someone correct me if i am wrong! Its worth checking http:// dwarfpuffers. com/ (take...
  32. N

    Maidenhead Aquatics

    I went to both MA's in Swindon last week and whilst I found them expansive and a little unenthusiastic to help once I got someone they were fine. I was buying some dwarf puffers and asked them to bag them without taking them out of the water. Which the girl did. All in all... it’s a chain and...
  33. N

    Your Worst Fish Story.

    The same just happened only 5 minutes ago to my YoYo... I got him yesterday. He is an adult (4-5") Guy at the LFS only charged £3.99 for him as there was no price listed... I was just looking at this thread and heard a strange noise from my tank... I dropped my laptop and ran to the tank only...
  34. N

    Placing Old Gravel Into New Tank

    Good idea about squeezing the filter into the new tank... If i was to do this over the new media would that work too? I have a system that draws water up into a tube and then sprays over the sponge and then that drips down into these noodles/ ceramic tubes things... The water then flows back...
  35. N

    Placing Old Gravel Into New Tank

    Thats good news... I think i will add the lava rock from the old tank too... i guess this will have some of the good stuff too?
  36. N

    Placing Old Gravel Into New Tank

    I have a sand base, so didnt want to sprinkle the gravel into it... Well if it wont do any harm then thats good.... I just though it was the best place to add it... (on top of the new media)
  37. N

    Great New Tank Pics Included

    Even the new ones have their problems... I just got a new tank by AquaOne... It does have a hatch to feed etc. The only thing is it drips like no-ones business. It has the same kind of design as yours on the top for the filter, but I have found it drips down the back... I only found this out...
  38. N

    Placing Old Gravel Into New Tank

    Hi, I am re-housing some fish from a small tank into a larger on that has been running now for about 4 weeks... It’s almost cycled, however to speed things up a little I have placed some gravel into a net and then into the filter system. (Its an AquaOne tank with the filter media at the top and...
  39. N

    Gouramis And Crabs

    This does help thanks... I might give it a miss, as I really think I need a plec or other to clean things. My main reason for asking this question was because my kissers were sat on the bottom of the tank and I didn't know if it was normal... Later turned out they were ill !!! Just out of...
  40. N

    Water Test Results

    I really appreciate your replies.. The only thing is I get different stories from the forum posts and the LFS. Some say don't do any changes i.e. don't do water changes etc and some like your good selves say do water changes and remove the NitraZorb. This is why I am a little confused. I...