Is My Tank Over Stocked ?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2005
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I am trying to gauge if my tank has reached its max volume?

I have an AquaOne AR-850 which is 155L (

I currently have:

1 Clown Loach (Baby)
1 Pakistani Loach (Adult)
6 neon's
2 Head Lamps
2 Silver Dollars
1 Balloon Molly
3 Platys
1 paradise
1 Beta
2 Kissing Gourami
1 Red Gourami
1 Loach (Not sure what it is)

Any advice here?


well the clown loaches like to be kept in groups. I have 5 and they stick together like glue, they also grow too big for the tank.

and i think the kissing gourami will get too big 2.

apart from that i think your ok.

oh wait. keep an eye on the betta, make sure hes not getting nipped.

there called figthing fish but there weak in a community tank.

wait for someone else to comment on the stocking level and kissing gourami tho.
The tank is only 33" long so it is way too small for the kissing gouramis ( over 10")
Clown loach (12"), Palistan loach (8") & silver dollars (6")
Your stocking dynamics are wrong too - The Clown, pakistan loach, silver dollars should be kept in larger groups.
What are headlamps? Head & tail lights? Lampeyes?
You are about fully stocked for a newish tank once you remove the six bigger species fish but would be room to add just another three head & tail lights to make up their numbers.
I understand that some of these fish need to grow.

The clown is only 1 inch at the moment. The Pakistani loach is fully grown at 5 inches. The kissers don’t seem to be growing. I have had them about 3 months and they are still the same size (4 inches)

Headlamps are just a type of Neon (Very small)

My Beta LOVES it in there. I know people get mixed results with a Beta in a community tank, but I selected fish so there would be no conflict. So far it’s all good.

I asked about my stocking level as the Mrs wanted 6 more Neon's!!

The tank does not look busy in there, but I am happy to stop if I am maxed out.

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