Water Test Results


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score

I am a little confused about my water readings.

My tank is now 3 weeks old and being new and all to this fish keeping thing I added some fish after 7 days. All but 1 got white spot and died.

I have been testing my water and keep getting odd results...

On 21/10/05 they were:

Ammonia = 0.8 to 1.2
NitrIte = 1.5
NitrAte = 50
PH = 8.5

On 28/10/05 they were:

Ammonia = 0.4
NitrIte = 1.5
NitrAte = 10
PH = 8.5

I then asked at the LFS and they said the best thing to do would be a 50% water change, so last night I changed 50%. I added some stress coat, stress zyme, and the LFS gave me 3 capsules called Bluestart from what I remember. They dissolve in the water and look like you could take them to clear a headache!

So this morning I did another test:

Ammonia = 0 to 0.1

Now this is where things change... I ran out of my normal test kit, so used a different brand. Its eSHa Aqua Quick Test and the scale is different and whilst the reading on the box matches the strip, the instructions don't relate in any way... it tells you that if nitrIte is above 0.3 then it's too high... Well the scale is 0, 1, 5 ,10, 25 and 50. So you would not even know what 0.3 is!

The levels were:

NitrIte = 5
NitrAte = 25
PH = 8
KH = 6
GH = ? There are 3 colours you have to match. Green and red... and depending on the 3 options gives you the result... well mine are red and purple!!!! No green to be seen. So my guess would be 14 as I have 2 of red and one purple that should be green.

I hope that someone can help me out with what's happening and if the tank is ok or if I need to keep doing something.

I know this will affect things but I have transferred my balloon molly into this tank as he keeps attacking my other fish in a small tank I have.

Any help would be great.


One more thing... I am using a NirtaZorb in my filter and carbon.
Right, your going through a cycle. Take out the Nitrazorb, it mucks up readings and doesn't help at all. Do you have fish in there? If so, I'd do daily water changes of 10% to help make sure it won't get too toxic for the fish, and test every other day until ammonia and nitrite are both at 0.
yeah, do daily water changes for the next couple weeks while the tank is cycling. 10% might even be too little, you might want to do 20 or 30% daily. also, get rid of that strip test kit. strips are horrifically inaccurate ways to test water. pH test strips can sometimes work, but ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test strips are a joke. gotta get a liquid kit :D
Ah, didn't see they were strips. Yep, get a liquid test kit, tbh you only need ammonia amd nitrite. Why? pH is no bother, you can't do anything about it without mucking up your tank. Nitrate doesn't need to be monitered if you do regular water changes, and hardness isn't needed either.
I really appreciate your replies.. The only thing is I get different stories from the forum posts and the LFS. Some say don't do any changes i.e. don't do water changes etc and some like your good selves say do water changes and remove the NitraZorb.

This is why I am a little confused.

I wish I didn't buy the strip test now.. I know its only £10, but these £10's keep mounting up and its all they had!! The NitraZorb was £16! And from the sounds of it these are not needed.

Well I think I will take your advice and 1st remove the NirtaZorb and then check in 2 days and see what the levels are, and then do a water change. Would this be a good idea?

Thanks again for the help,
Water changes are good for fish, many problems can be prevented or solved with water changes. Any amount of ammo or nitrites requires daily water changes. If it were one of my tanks I'd be changing 50% daily.


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