3 Tanks Of Mine


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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Just showin off a few of my tanks!

A poor lil guy that came in a free 20gal. Hes in the 55gal now.

My favorite Fish! The Sev!

A parrot that also came in a free 20gal.

Whole 55gal. Ran by Fluvan 304

5albino corys
5 Giant Danios
1Dyed GlassCat?

One of my Angels in the 29gal

Another Angel in the 29.

Whole shot of the 29gal
3Yo Yo Loaches

What fish is this?

Also... who is he.

Whole shot 75gal
1 10inch plec.
another small plec
1 unknown
1 unknown african cichlid
1 sickly Jack Dempsy

I just got this 75 gal from a family friend. It came with the fish as is. This was also where the parrot, and dyed fish came from in the 20 gal. I gave the 20 gal to my granny with two large guarmies in it. I kept the parrot and dyed fish for my 55.

The 29gal has been sent up for a few years. The 55 for a couple. The 75 for a lil over a week. The 29gal is of course done. Im gonna add a few more plants to the 55. Not sure yet on what to do with the 75...

All suggestions and comments welcome.

It came from someone i baught a 75 gal from. He added in a 20gal for free. In the 20gal was this dyed lil guy. Im guessing hes a not (glass cat) those are dif. I cant remember what they are. But thats the story of how i got him. Seems very happy in the 55gal.

That first fish (the freebie) is a painted glassfish, which is a dyed fish and you are lucky he has remained alive this long. The other unknown fish looks like some sort of Gar. As for the cichlid, maybe a female Blue Peacock?

Anyway, nice tanks! Cheers!!
I found out what the african was its a "Tilapia Butterkofferi"

Im not quite sure how old the glassfish is. He was inna tank with full grown huuuge guamies. So if he was as old as them...

I found out what the african was its a "Tilapia Butterkofferi"

Im not quite sure how old the glassfish is. He was inna tank with full grown huuuge guamies. So if he was as old as them...


Hey, and I think I may have ID'd the other skinny fish for you. Is it possibly a Whiptail Catfish (Farlowella acus)?

Here's a pic of one:
the unknown skinny fish is a Farlowella acus i had one but gave it to someone more experienced because it was a little pickey when it came to eating and was eating at all. They are very calm and rarely move even when you are doing water changes so make sure you dont hurt it with the syphen. Good luck make sure he gets enough to eat.
Thanx for the ID's guys.

The guy who i got the tank from said he would dissapeer for years. He hides in the back filtration system. He hasnt found his way back there again tho. I think ive got it so he cant get back there.

that cichlid is a butterkoferi for sure.my friend had 1.very aggressive.the other is a whiptail
What do u all recomend doing with the 75gal? I need to find sumthing to do with the Jack Dempsey. hes in baaad condition. how he was when i got him. And then theres nothing i can really do with the butterkoferi.

What kinda setup could i have with the butterkoferi? or where could i get rid of him? Then what could i do with the tank!??

a small aquarium will take these fish gladly as its not the most common fish.but is yours agressive towards the others?
for decorateing the tank,i would get a big peice of driftwood and a rock pile and a few maybe onion plants.

and whats wrong with the jack?

also lets see some pics of your unknown in the 75 gal
hmm. i should call around and try to find some place to take these guys...
Because i would like to do something different. possibly mbuna... or a big community tank.

the unknowns are no longer unknowns! the african is a Tilapia Butterkofferi. the other is a Farlowella acus

the jack is alswyas harassed by the evil fish (Tilapia Butterkofferi). Fins are... eh'. Nose is raw from lip locking. just notta good deal. He was like this when i got them...

once u move the butterkofferi he will slowly heal.

but id do a mbuna.thats what ill be doin when i get my 75 gal this summer.

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