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  1. K

    Compatibly problems?

    Uhhhh, didn't ask, but how big IS your tank?????
  2. K

    Compatibly problems?

    Not sure about the others, but, Mollies will totally TERRORIZE anything with long fins such as your gouramies. Mollies really need their own tank, as they chase other fish to exhaustion.
  3. K

    grumpy bristlenose

    Don't think he will hurt the corys. He just being territorial. Usually plecos find a cave or hole and claim it for their own and keeps other nosey fish chased away. Probably the only exercise they get! :lol: Corys are just being curious and playful. They should eventually get tired of...
  4. K

    How often do you clean out your filter

    From experience, if the water flow is not hampered and you have no bad smells coming from the filter, then, don't mess with it. My present one has been in for about 4 months. Smells clean and no water backup. Also, it's best not to change the filter when you do a water change, as a LOT of...
  5. K

    Cloudy Glass Catfish

    Mine did the same. Here is the only info I could find on the subject: Go to Breeds and type in Glass Catfish. Mine live for 2 more months after clouding. The good news was that it was the only one to turn opaque. You can try to treat it for bacterial infection if you...
  6. K

    Melafix doesn't work

    Have to keep in mind, Melafix is like using a topical antiseptic on yourself. It does not treat internal problems. Its good stuff for the right things. ie. scrapes, nipped fins, etc. for "preventing" infections.
  7. K

    fish conpatability

    See the link at the bottom of my post. If you can't log on, I'll email it to you.
  8. K

    In a bit of a pickle, need help.

    Curious.........Please tell me this tank has been cycled.
  9. K

    Algae eater?

    Also, recommend Otos. Just don't let someone who thinks they know everything about "so-called" algae eaters sell you Siamese Algae eaters by telling you that they are Otos. Siamese Algae eaters are sometimes know as being aggressive to other fish, territorial, and are known to attach to the...
  10. K

    Unexplained Fish Deaths

    Need some help, as I haven't encountered this problem before. The past two times I have done a partial water change (every week), I have had major fish deaths. The first time I thought it was due age of fish (Otos that I had had for over two years). But in the following days, I lost 4 Otos, 3...
  11. K


    It's kinda like "seeding" your tank. You're actually adding live bacterial cultures to your tank. Works well as opposed to cycling with fish, which IMHO is a NO, NO. In my case, the tank cycled in about 3 weeks. And I didn't have to cycle by adding ammonia to the tank.
  12. K

    How do you pronounce "Betta"?

    It's bayta just like the Greek letter B.
  13. K

    Fin Rot???

    Finrot in angels needs to be treated with antibiotics such as Kanacyn. Remove them to a hospital tank, though, so as not to upset your tank bacteria. Did this with my angels and sent my tank through a "mini cycle" again. Should clear up quickly after treatment. Any idea as to how they got...
  14. K

    Fuzzy stuff on my gravel any ideas?

    Sounds like leftover food. Maybe feeding too much?
  15. K


    Check your tap water. Sometimes it already has nitrites and nitrates.
  16. K

    Angels and gouramis as tankmates

    Angels and gouramis usually are good tank mates. But, platys tend to nip at their feelers. Also, you probably should rearrange the tank, because fish tend to get territorial about their particular "spots".
  17. K

    Molly problems

    Could be just a deformity. I think if she was sick, you'd see the other fins clamped, too.
  18. K

    sooooo confused

    I had the same problem when I cycled with BioSpira. Since it is live bacteria cultures it shouldn't show a chemical change, supposedly. But, I kept getting 10ppm Nitrates when the cycle wasn't even complete. Come to find out, my tap water has 10 ppm Nitrates in it already. So, check yours...
  19. K

    sooooo confused

    I had the same problem when I cycled with BioSpira. Since it is live bacteria cultures it shouldn't show a chemical change, supposedly. But, I kept getting 10ppm Nitrates when the cycle wasn't even complete. Come to find out, my tap water has 10 ppm Nitrates in it already. So, check yours...
  20. K

    New Kid on the Block

    You don't need to use salt at all unless you have a salt water aquarium. Tetras will not tolerate salt very well if at all. Are you cycling with fish? I don't recommend it because you will end up stressing your fish if not losing all of them. And if that happens, you have to treat all those...
  21. K

    Fin Rot Question

    The black spot on your goldfish is where it is healing. Usually, you see this when goldfish have been swimming in high amounts of ammonia. Which goldfish produce in huge amounts! It should heal on its own. You could treat with Melafix which is a surface antiseptic.
  22. K

    Sand Gravel Smelling

    Do you occasionally stir the sand? This should help release anaerobic gases that can build up under the sand. Also, I assume that you lightly vacuum the left overs and poop from the surface????
  23. K

    Clamped fins...I think?

    Usually, clamped fins are due to a problem in the water. Have you done a water change lately? Other than that, she might be overly stressed by the other fish. Watch her closely, you might need to put in a hospital tank and observe her behavior.
  24. K

    uncycled tank

    I don't know where you are located, but here you can purchase BioSpira which is live bacterial cultures that you can add to help jumpstart a cycle. I have tried it with fish (in an emergency) and it cycled in about 3 weeks. The fish will suffer less this way and you may not lose any. It is...
  25. K


    Scaleless fish can tolerate the salt well if at all. It burns their skin. What you could do though is ween your other fish off the salt gradually, they don't actually need it, and then, add otos. Just be sure you get otos and not "algae eaters" which are sometimes passed off as otos and are...
  26. K

    walmart hoods?

    Have you checked at Pet Depot? They have a good variety of hoods and lights. Not sure about price, though.
  27. K


    For starters, 25% water change is as much as is recommended weekly. Siphon debris at the same time. I do mine in the AM and then, feed the little guys just for putting up with me. :lol: Good that you check your water parameters, too. Especially, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, temp.
  28. K


    Or, PM Graeme. He's our exalted Loach King! :D If he don't know, nobody does.
  29. K

    Flouride in the water

    Don't panic, guys. We've had flouride in our water for the last 20 years. I've been keeping fish during this time and they don't seem to mind. Not to mention the lfs's have had it all this time, too. As for teeth, I took care of my teeth as a child (when flouride wasn't available) and I have...
  30. K


    Wal-Mart has a "Junior Heater" that will keep a small tank at 75 degrees. Its not adjustable though. I'd go with a Whisper submersible heater for 5 - 15 gallon tanks. It can be adjusted. I use it in my 2 gallon quarantine/hospital tank.
  31. K

    walmart hoods?

    I don't like WM's fish dept., but they do have good prices on equipment. At that price, it may not come with a light kit. Any hood, IMO, should be OK as long as you have punchouts for adding things on the back of the tank. (IE. filter, heater) Just make sure the dimensions are the same as...
  32. K

    tetra problem

    Hey, Pebbles. It could be that the Ich irritated the fins and left them (for lack of a better word) raw. Kinda like an abrasion. I would just watch them closely. It should heal on its own if you have followed treatment for Ich. If you feel the need, Melafix would help the healing process...
  33. K

    Some questions on fishless cycling

    I'll throw in my 2 cents and agree with Moe. I do not care for guppies, danios, or comets. So, why would I cycle with fish that I have no desire to keep later? Do I euthanize them? Not likely in my house. :lol: Fishless is cheaper IMHO. :D
  34. K

    How to tell the difference

    I keep my tank at 82 - 84 F. The Otos actually seem more content at this temp. May be 'cause I slowly acclimated my tank and they got used to it. I know they are supposed to be at lower temps, but I had more problems at lower temp.
  35. K

    Bubble wall

    A nice thought.....But, the larger the air holes, the more noise the bubbles will make. Found this out when my bubble bar got clogged and someone told me to just poke pin holes in it........Almost, drove us crazy. Kept us awake all night!
  36. K

    How to tell the difference

    I think you bought Otocinclus affinis. They are the ones I have. Check out this site for a pic Aquarium Fish Profile - Otocinclus affinis Click on Fish Profile Library, then, catfish, and finally, otos. Also, good picts on Otocinclus. Do a search at the top for fish and then, otos.
  37. K

    And in this corner.......

    :lol: What a laugh! Wish you could see this! Did a water change this AM and dropped in an algae wafer. Went on about feeding the other fish (mollies)......and (for those of you who never see their ottos eat) my little bitty otto was fighting off this big greedy mollie and hovering over...
  38. K

    Is there a way to speed up algea production

    Get your pleco a pleco friend(if you have room). Competition for food makes them eat better. On another note, I have "heard" that some plecs stop eating algae from off of the tank when they get full grown. Mine stopped when they reached about 4 inches. Don't know if that was the reason or...
  39. K

    How to tell the difference

    What species are your otos? Mine look more like SAEs, but they're not.
  40. K

    newbie alert

    Hey, the only dumb question is the one you were afraid to ask!!! Don't worry, Murphy's Law fell in my lap and I hung on to it. Translation: If it can be messed up, then, I've done it and learned from it and some of my fish lived to tell the story. :lol: :lol: :lol: