In a bit of a pickle, need help.


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
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I just got my 42 gallon aquarium a few days ago and it's great, have already added my angelfish,zebra danio, and my 2 plecos from my 10 gallon. The problem is that my big cichlid and my small cichlid that I left in the 10 gallon are so awsome looking and would love the big holey limestone rock I have in the 42g. I will probably not be able to stop myself and will add them anyways since they have already co-existed with the other fish that are in the 42gallon for a long time, it's just that im not sure how they will act to the other fish i plan on putting in the 42g. Any advice as to what any of you would do?
You had a big cichlid in a 10 gallon? Anyway what other fish are you planning to add to the 42? Without that info I dunno what to say...
was thinking about getting 2 more angel fish and maybe some white clouds and an elephant nose and 4 clown loaches?
Zagggon said:
was thinking about getting 2 more angel fish and maybe some white clouds and an elephant nose and 4 clown loaches?
Umm... that won't fit in a 42 gallon. I'd go with the angels and white clouds, and 3 clowns max. they get about 8-10" in captivity. Elephant-nose I wouldn't suggest, thy get quite big as well and are very sensitive to water quality fluctuations. Mormyrids are for experts only. They are also very vulnerable and likely to be harassed by your other fish.
Well im prolly just gona keep the cichlids where they are but thx anyways. Im gona go ahead and get the fish above prolly =)
So I would suggest 2 more angels, a small school of white clouds, and 3 clown loaches. NO MORMYRID! Please. At least until you gain some more experience in those other fish. Trust me, you won't regret it. Oh and don't add them all at once; the tank needs tiem to cycle.
Well fine then im gona get the 2 angels today, hmmm, do you think angels will eat white clouds since they are small?, even when they are in their school?
It depends on how big the angel, how small the cloud. Some people have successfully kept mature white clouds and juvie angels together, however when the angels grow up watch out!

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