Clamped fins...I think?


Sep 23, 2003
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West Midlands, UK
Im' concerned about one of my swordtails...she seems to be holding her fins to her body...and her tail fin seems to be not as wide as it should be...I got her about a week ago along with two other swordtails and they seem happy enough...she also seems to have had her fins nipped (I think it was at my lfs) there anything that I can do to help her...?

She seems happy in herself and still eating and swimming round with the others, but I'm a bit worried about her...

Can anyone help me..? :/
Usually, clamped fins are due to a problem in the water. Have you done a water change lately? Other than that, she might be overly stressed by the other fish. Watch her closely, you might need to put in a hospital tank and observe her behavior.
Yeah, did a water change last week...she was ok again yesterday (apart from having ripped fins, but she had those when I got her) but then when I got up this morning I noticed that she was clamping platties are picking on her now and I have never known them to be fin nippers before, not sure what to do with her...?

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