*Bronze Cories
*Kissing Gouramis (5inchs) - <it is true they grow 12inchs I've read in many books they have a well feed well roomed 8inchs most?>
Kuhli Loaches
Red Hook Silver Dollars (not actually the real name, can't remeber it's long, but look very similar but grow to be a smaller size)
*(1 saved from toilet very very bad story) White Skirts
Croaking Catfish
Do you see any problems that might occur? The fish with * beside them are currently in the tank the rest I will soon be adding.
*Bronze Cories
*Kissing Gouramis (5inchs) - <it is true they grow 12inchs I've read in many books they have a well feed well roomed 8inchs most?>
Kuhli Loaches
Red Hook Silver Dollars (not actually the real name, can't remeber it's long, but look very similar but grow to be a smaller size)
*(1 saved from toilet very very bad story) White Skirts
Croaking Catfish
Do you see any problems that might occur? The fish with * beside them are currently in the tank the rest I will soon be adding.