Search results

  1. D

    How many pets do you have?

    well, don't want to name every one, but here are the animals: 12 boer goats 76 chickens 5 dogs 6 cats 3 horses
  2. D

    snail eggs

    most of the botia genus get really big (like 3'). they will live in coldwater. but can stay in a small tank for a while.
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    snail eggs

    if you want to get rid of the snails buy some botia, they will devour them.
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    Milky Water!

    ok, that could very well be the problem, i like sand, but if it is a fine grain, then it could put a film into the water. when you stir it does it release a film? maybe stronger filtration. or a finer grained sand.
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    Milky Water!

    what is your substrate? how many gallons per filtration ratio?
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    Black khuli loachs here is some info.
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    Need help wif me angels

    how big are they?
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    Need help wif me angels

    hmmm, are they the only fish in there? it could still be a terratory thing, have you moved anything around in the tank recently? new aquascaping?
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    Need help wif me angels

    what size tank is it? they are probably just establishing terratory. nothing to worry about.
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    Fish rumours

    if a fish is continuisly pulled backwards, it can't move its gills in and out wich pump the oxygen through the body. so therefore if you would pull it backwards for longer than any fisherman would, then it would drown. p.s. that is very cruel.
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    Advice please

    severum might get sorta aggressive to the angel, keep your eye on them and see what happens.
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    aptasia will live with about anything, those darn things won't die!!
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    Brown Puffer (tetraodon turgidis)

    won't work here either! :(
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    can u use sand rather than gravel

    that looks ok, make sure that the sand is fairly course, as it will be better all around
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    advice needed

    probably worms, just buy some wormer and heavily worm him.
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    Guppies and Tetras

    naturally guppies and tetras appear in large groups of about 50 or more. well naturally you can't replicate that in your tanks, but they do feel more secure in a group of 6 or more as a generall rule.
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    Pleco Habitat

    hope this helps!!!!!!!!
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    Pleco Habitat

    BIOTOPE AQUARIA -- Updated December.7.2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A biotope aquaria is an aquarium that is set-up to simulate a natural habitat. The fish, plants, water chemistry, and furnishings are similar to those that can be found...
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    Pleco Habitat

    PLANT CARE Live aquarium plants are a worthwhile addition to the fish tank. In a well planted tank, the fish have better colors, live a more natural life, and appear more comfortable than in an unplanted tank. Though they need more care than plastic replicas, live plants can be kept with few...
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    Pleco Habitat

    do you want to do a biotope or anything like that, those are the best. if you wanted a planted biotope w/ cories, do amazon. as for the plant/sand idea. get a large grain sand, trust me from experience. add flourite underneath the sand for nourishment. about a 1" layer of flourite w/ a 1"...
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    african or amazon

    me tooo, then you can have DISCUS !!!!!!!!!
  22. D

    What's wrong with him?

    sounds like swimmbladder to me to. it is not contageous, but if your fish get it, give them a mild salt bath, and feed them frozen or live foods. this should solve the problem.
  23. D

    what fish go good with sevrums?

    yeah :lol:
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    sea monkies/brine shrimp

    yes, brine shrimp = sea monkeys probably buy a better and cheaper kit at you LFS, just look for artemia, or brine shrimp. good luck!
  25. D

    Stocking 45 gal - what would you put in it?

    aggressive loaches: tiger loach and fire loach would fit in w/ aggressive fish. aggressive fish: severums convicts oscars (not w/ loaches) terrors my personal favorite would be severums they are beautiful!!!
  26. D

    what fish go good with sevrums?

    oh, p.s. some good tankmates as listed above are: convicts jack dempseys terrors oscars about any fish that is the same size as the sev. none of these will work well unless they are about the same size
  27. D

    what fish go good with sevrums?

    SEVERUMS WITH TETRAS?!? I have to disagree! severums are very aggressive fish, and shouldn't go with any small fish like tetras. "patti_n_jojo" you need to be more careful about the advice you give!
  28. D

    keeping rams in groups?

    in my experience, rams like to be in groups of 6 or more, solitary, or in a pair. 40 gallon would be plenty big enough, that combination should be fine. hatchetfish like to be in large groups also, along with neons. you just got a bunch of schoolers! good luck. p.s. you might want to put...
  29. D

    Stocking 45 gal - what would you put in it?

    well ccg, personally i'd fill it with discus, but thats just me. you said you were on a tight budget so i wouldn't suggest discus, as they will cost you a pretty penny. you said you had a tank full of barbs, do you want more smaller aggressive fish, will this be a discplay tank, what kind of...
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    looking into snail eating loaches

    i have found botia macracanthus and synodontis multipunctatus to be the best snail eaters ever! they shouldn't bother your corys. good luck.
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    bettas of siamese fighting fish with livebearers

    that looks like it would work ok. how big are the gouramis? don't put him in if they are to big, it will cause trouble. i know some on here will say not to. but as i had said before do some trials with him and see if he does ok with them. if he doesn't just take him out.
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    bettas in community tank

    i do beg to differ. i know bettas in the wild are solitary fish, but i've had plenty of bettas in with other fish. (female bettas, guppies, tetras, catfish, angels) and they did fine. Now as said before, all bettas are different, but don't throw the idea out completely. do some trials. see...
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    Dwarf rainbow fry!

    ???Pictures??? :D
  34. D

    Neons, Cardinals, Glowlight & Black Neon's

    as "lateral line" said, almost any fish will school. they need plenty of area, some of those fish are: >tetras (any kind) >barbs (almost any, usually the smaller ones) >cichilds (angelfish, discus, africans,hatchetfish, etc.) >guppies (about the only schooling livebearer i can think of lol)...
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    Painted Aquarium Backgrounds

    don't know about painting the sides, but maybe a plecostomus?
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    Vallis and runners

    Well, about the runners, that is usually a sign your plant is healthy. the shedding of the leaves.... almost all plants (I know about swords for sure) shed their leaves once a year and regrow new ones, this might be what it is. Don't worry, i don't think that if it is sending out runners...
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    Unexpected death

    RIP :rip:
  38. D

    hello everyone

    hey ya'll, newbie here, forums looks good. My favorite fish is discus. have 12 tanks, 5 planted. have a herd of boer goats, 76 chickens, 3 horses, 4 dogs, 2 cats, and ofcourse, lots of fish, discus, angelfish, rams, some tetras, but mainly discus. -tyler