Stocking 45 gal - what would you put in it?


Mar 21, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

I have a 45 gallon tank setup and has finished cycling (there has been guppies in it for about 3months now, all living perfectly healthy)

The tank is a bit of an odd shape, here are the stats:

The front is 2.5 feet, it goes back 1.5 feet, and is also 1.5 feet tall.

I am a college student on a tight budget right now, and can't spend much money on this untill I get working again this summer. I won't be adding new fish for a few weeks untill I get working again. Anyways, because of my budget I have an Aqua Clear 200 that apprantly pumps 200 gph and is rated for a 50 gallon tank.

On my 35 gallon I have gone over kill big time on filtering, but this won't be the case (for now) with this tank. And because I have always gone overkill it worrys me that the Aqua Clear 200 will be my only source of filtering for now.

I am looking for suggestions on what I should stock the tank with. Currently I have a 35 gallon full of cherry, golden, and tiger barbs. A 20 gallon full of guppies, 2 10 gal's (one fry and other hospital).

What would you, personally put in a 45 gallon tank?
well ccg, personally i'd fill it with discus, but thats just me. you said you were on a tight budget so i wouldn't suggest discus, as they will cost you a pretty penny. you said you had a tank full of barbs, do you want more smaller aggressive fish, will this be a discplay tank, what kind of tank did you want, maybe a biotope of some kind? but again that is getting into a lot of money. you could set up an african cichlid tank, they are pretty and fairly cheap. if you wanted to keep your guppies in there you could do livebearers (guppies, platties, mollies)? there are so many different styles of tanks you could try. maybe a killifish tank, they are beautiful and sorta cheap fish. try an angelfish tank, i have two of em, they are awesome fish. narrow it down a bit, what kind of tank do you want?
The guppies will all be moved to a new home. Also, when thinknig of this setup please don't concern the price to much. I have a lot of money right now, but just cant spend money whil I'm not making it if you know what I mean. As soon as I'm back to work I'll be adding another filter, and start to pruchase the fish. So money is not a huge concern, sorry that I made it out to be like that in the orginal post.

Please let me know what you guys think, I was maybe thinking of something along the lines of a dedicated, or a tank with more aggresive fish, as I seem to really love my barb setup.

All thoughts/opinions/suggestions are welcome!

I have always wanted to get a group of loaches but have never had room in my other tanks as they are already stocked.

I raelly like the yoyo loaches and owned few when I was young. Maybe i'll start off with 4-5 yoyo laoches, or another kind if somone can give me some suggestions.

What else should I put in with these guys? Oh and if someone has a better idea of what I should get all together then please let me know as I am just thinking / brainstorming.

The first thought I had was... if you have a 35 Gallon "over" filtered, and a 45 Gallon under filtered... why not switch filters? This may balance filtration, ensure your cycle (although that doesn't sound like a concern) and not cost money. Upgrading later is always an option.

I rarely suggest fish as I consider it a personal decision, you will be the one raising them. But from what you said:

I was maybe thinking of something along the lines of a dedicated, or a tank with more aggressive fish

It made me have to agree with Disucs on the idea of an African Cichlid tank. They are active, colorful, aggressive and don't grow as large/fast as most other aggressive fish (cichlids).
aggressive loaches: tiger loach and fire loach would fit in w/ aggressive fish.

aggressive fish:

oscars (not w/ loaches)

my personal favorite would be severums they are beautiful!!!
Thanks for the ideas guys.

I'll have to do lots of reading tonight on some of the fish you have suggested. The filter for the 45 gallon is rated for a 50 gallon, but I am use to going over board on that.. and I will be purchashing another filter to go along with it when I start to get some fish so filtering is not really an issue I guess.

I have never owned any bigger fish, well other then pleco's that got to be about 8". I have wanted to own cichlids so maybe i'll do some research on those as well.

lol really have no clue what i want.
personally im going for some kind of habitita tank, either african chclids or amazon basin with my new 40 gl! both look good opitions shmae i can only do one for now!

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