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    Heater Broke/Ick Treatment

    Ok this morning I was doing maitenance on my tanks and realized that the heater on my nursery take has stopped working. The temp is around 72 right now and I have about 11 fry in it. I was just getting ready to transfer them to my 30 gallon in about 2 days and decided to treat my 30 gallon...
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    Females Deforming

    I just lost a female platy about a month ago after her first batch of fry. Her body started to deform itself and twisted her funny so that she couldn't swim at all. All of my water perameters were normal. I talked to the lfs and they suggested it was a vitamin C deficiency. Now I have a...
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    Amonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 0 P.H. 7.8 Temp 79 So I should use the quick cure again? I had treated them for 2 days last week. Thanks! Oh and what I have left are 2 swordtails and 1 platy. Thank goodness I moved all of my fry to the nursery tank before treatment!
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    Oh and i just got off the phone with my dad and the last time my mom had fed the fish was Sunday and guess what, she had left the tank light on since then! When I got home early this morning, it was midnight, it was still on. Man I want to cry! :-( Do you think the tank light being on that...
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    I just got home late last night from being gone on vacation for a week and left my fish in the hands of my father (who had salt and brackash water tanks for years) only to find that the tank light had been left on and I have lost 2 fish. They were covered in a cottony like stuff! I have 3 fish...
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    Bent swordtail !

    I just went through this with one of my platys. (Unfortunetly I lost her) The local fish store thought it was a vitamin C deficiency. Have you tried some different foods?
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    Deforming Fish

    How do I check my oxygen levels? I do have a filter in it. Its a 10 gallon and I have fry in it and they are fine.
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    Deforming Fish

    I have this platy that I have had for awhile. She was getting beat up so I moved her into a 10 gallon where I keep my fry. She was doing fine in there up to about a week for so ago. Now all she does is lay in the gravel. She looks like she is becoming deformed. She tends to bend her body to...
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    I want to cry!

    All levels are good and I just did a water change Saturday. She looked fine when I left earlier yesterday. She was still small. Maybe this big -----------. And she was stuck going in backwards like it sucked her in. She was caught in the intake part.
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    I want to cry!

    I have some Platys that I have raised from babies and really loved one of the black ones. She was pretty and very sleek looking. One of my favs from the moment of birth. Anyhow, last night I was watching my fish and noticed that she was stuck halfway in the filter!! She had already passed...
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    Two Sick Fish

    I normally feed them the Flaked food from Tetramin. It never occured to me that fish could become constipated. It looks like he finally passed it today but is still hanging out at the bottom of the tank. Same with the female, although with her I'm starting to think it has something to do with...
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    Two Sick Fish

    I have a swordfish and a platy that I have moved to a 10 gallon because all they are doing is laying on the bottom of the tank. They will get up and swim a little when I come and look at them. Neither of them are eating and the platy shows no outward signs of disease. On the swordfish the...
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    Temperature Drop

    Ahhh ok. Guess I'm going to the lfs soon. This is our temp drop for the rest of the winter so its not a temporary event. Thanks much! Tracie
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    Temperature Drop

    We just had a major temp drop here in CA. I have never used a heater in my 30gal because the tank always stayed the same temp as my house which was 78 degrees. Now that it has dropped down to 68 of course the tank is going down with it. Do you think my fish will be ok at 68 or do I need to...
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    Pregnant Green Platy

    She definetly sounds pg to me.
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    guppy giving birth?

    Well I moved my Platy and she did ok. I didn't even know she was pg. She did have a hard 2 days in the new tank. Now she is happy. After she gave birth I moved her back to my large tank, but the same male was agressive towards her again, so now her new home is the 10 gallon. Goodluck!
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    What to do with Fry?

    I had a platy that was being picked on by one of my males so badly I almost lost her. I moved her to my 10 gallon and low and behold 1 week later I have fry. She ate all but 5 of them and they are so darn teeny tiny. Anyhow, we will be going out of town for 3 days and I'm not sure what to do...
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    Help is it cloudy eye or pop out eye???

    I'm going through this myself right now with one of my platies. She has cloudy eyes and one of them has popped out. If you scroll down and read my post "What is this?" I think was the name. It is on this page, there are tons of posts with info. I have been doing 10% water changed and added...
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    Swordtail Ready to Pop?

    I have had this female swordtail for about 5 to 6 weeks now. She is HUGE and look close to being ready to burst. Is she going to have a gravid spot? She is dark and light orange in color. I can see a darker area of orange inside of her that I didn't see before. Is it time to move her to...
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    Ok, this is weird.

    It is shaped only round like her bulging eye. No other kind of shape to it. I have a 10gallon tank that I have some fry in and that is it. The best I could do would be to transfer my fry as most of them are big enough, and then put my 2 little ones over in the 30 gallon in a breeder net. But...
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    Ok, this is weird.

    Ok sorry, I'm trying to do this while chasing around my 1 and 2 year old. :o How often is the fish scratching and are other fish doing it. She is no longer scratching and no one else is either. Is the fish yawning, coughing/burping, or twitching it's fins. She is not doing any of...
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    Ok, this is weird.

    Ok, to answer a couple questions first. Yes I do de chlorinate when I do my water changes. No, I don't have a hospital tank. She is acting fine right now, she looks fine except for her eyes. I only see cloudyness in them and the one is sticking out further then the other. I see no white...
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    Bottom Feeder

    I'm going to the lfs today and need to get another bottom feeder. I had a Chinese Algae eater but he became so aggressive with my fish that I transfered him to my out door pond. What else can I get that woudn't be so agressive? I don't want it to get too huge as I have a 30 gallon tank...
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    Ok, this is weird.

    Ok guys, just checked the nitrate levels and those are 0 also. I will do a water change in a bit and also will add salt. How much do I add for 30 gallons? I will change the filter today too while I'm at the pet store. Nep
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    Ok, this is weird.

    Thanks Mogo. All of the water parameters are fine. Those were the first things I checked. Amonia 0, Nitrite 0, PH 8.0. Temp is fine. Did a 10% water change 2 weeks ago. Tank has been up and running for about 2.5 months now. Just added new fish about a month ago. She is the only one I...
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    Ok, this is weird.

    One of my platys had pop eye week before last and then it went back to normal and she was acting fine. Well today both of her eyes are cloudy and one looks like a piece of it is coming off. She is rubbing her belly on the side of the tank. I don't know if its because she can't see or...
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    Swollen Eye

    Thanks guys, but unfortunetly now she seems to be getting worse. Her eye is still the same but she is acting sickly. Just hanging around the top of the tank and her tail fin is closed up. -_- I hope she isn't going to die! I just don't know whats wrong with her. She is very pregnant...
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    Swollen Eye

    She is called an Assorted Platy and I've had her for about 2 months now. Its just bulging out and looks twice the size of her other eye. Nep
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    Is it time?

    She is looking quite huge today. I noticed that she was hanging out in a part of the tank, just fanning and not swimming around. When I went to look at her I noticed that one of her eyes is swollen. I moved her to the nursery because she is acting fine except for the above, she is still...
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    Swollen Eye

    Anyone know what this could be from? Could she have injured it somehow? Are there any diseases that have to do with their eyes? Any help would be appreciated Nep
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    Fry Update!

    Sandy they are about 2.5 months old I think. About this big <----------> I'm still very leary about adding them to the main tank. I had a tramatic experience when I was young and my dad had a tank. Added a bunch of neons and the Zebras went insane eating them all right before our eyes. The...
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    Fry Update!

    Hi everyone! Just thought I'd update you on my fry. If you recall I started with 14 and lost many. I am still holding on to 6 of them, I am proud to say! And the weird thing is that they are all females! I guess the mommy had a bad batch of boys. Anyhow, they are doing great and I've been...
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    Is it true? Plants vs Algae

    Thanks for all of the great ideas! Just wanted to let you guys know that the plants are working! Matter of fact this morning there was absoulutely no algae floating at the top and the water was clearer then it has been in weeks. Nep
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    Going to the lf today, what should I get?

    Well I'm back! Got 1 female sword (she's a beauty!) and my male has fallen deeply in love aleady. Plus I got two other females and my other male is in 7th heaven also. :wub: Thanks for the advice! I have a very happy tank today. Nep
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    Going to the lf today, what should I get?

    Thanks for the advice Aquanut. I am off to get 3 females for the boys. :P My Swordtail is a male also, so I'll get him a girlfriend too. Nep
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    Going to the lf today, what should I get?

    Ok, need some advice. I have a 30 gallon with 3 assorted Platys, 1 Swordtail and 1 Chinese Bottom Feeder. I have about 4 fry Platys that I will be moving to the tank in a couple weeks, but would like to get some other fish also. Of all my Platys in my 30 gallon, only 1 is female. Should I...
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    Preg Molly is now skinny??...

    Same thing happened to my platy. Got her from the lf and she was pg. Then one day a couple weeks later, she was thin and no babies anywhere! Never did find any. Nep
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    Show us your ponds!

    I would post a pic, but no clue how to do it. Nep
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    Loseing Fry!

    Water temp is 80 degrees F. Since I got her as an adult who knows what she could have been subjected too while pregnant. She had babies two days after I bought her. I just want to thank you all for your advice. I just hope I get to keep a couple babies! Looks like I might be down to 4 I...
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    Is it true? Plants vs Algae

    We have a 2000 gallon pond and we are having trouble with the dreaded green algae. We talked to a pond guy and he had me check all of the amonia, nitrites, nitrates and so on. Everything looks great. He said we don't need a bio filter, just to start adding plants and that will really help...