Pregnant Green Platy


New Member
Oct 16, 2003
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Mississauga, Canada
Hi, I am really new to this site and I could really use everyones help.
I have what appears to be a really really fat or really really pregnant green platy who has been acting very strange such as hitting the side of her body on the gravel and swimming very hard in one place. She does have a dark spot on her belly by her back fin which i think might be the gravid spot but again im not sure ... any advice would be appreciated.. :S
I've put her in a breeding net just in case but im curious to know how long I should leave her in there.. she looks so lonely :-( and I have put a few little plants in there in case she has her babies they will have a place to hide. thx for the help
She is pregant but i wouldnt put her in the breeding net yet how big is her garvid spot??
If your platy is alone, she can only eat so many fry. I placed a large female blue platy in a 10 gallon planted tank by herself. I now have about 20 fry in there with her! She probably ate a few, but there was plenty more to grow up. Platies can have more than one batch of fry per mating. The blue female has been alone in the tank for several weeks, and is now having her second batch with no male present!


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