Preg Molly is now skinny??...


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
I had 2 mollies. A male and female. The female was 2 weeks into her preg. and was very fat. Around that time, my male molly was landed in the hospital tank because he was shimmiing and was acting sick. The two were inseperable and when the male left, the female didn't eat that much. He died. Now, as she is 3 weeks into her 'preg.' she is as skinny as a male. There are no fry in the tank, I am positive on that, and she didn't abort them either, I'm 100% sure on that also. i don't know what happneded. All of a sudden she just got really skinny. She's healthy and teh water is great. I don't know what happened????!!!!!! :-( :sad: :crazy: :thumbs: :blink: :unsure: :S -_- :huh: I got a new male for her, they seem to be doing awsome.....but I don't know hat happned to her big, fat stomach????????? :unsure: Does anyone know what happened?
Did she get skinny overnight or did it happen gradually? If it happened quickly, then I'd guess she had the babies and they got eaten... :/
I've heard about females absorbing their babies in stressful situations. I have no idea if this is possible as I can't imagine where it would all go :blink: but maybe it can happen and happened to your fish.
I'd say more likely that she had them. Maybe they were premature and didn't live. Check your gravel thoroughly. Are there others in the tank that could have eaten them or was it just her?
Same thing happened to my platy. Got her from the lf and she was pg. Then one day a couple weeks later, she was thin and no babies anywhere! Never did find any.

There is no possible way they were all eaten. There are thousand of great hiding places that are not just in a plant ore behind some rockss, they have thousand on caves, coves, and knoocks and crannies were the mother can't fit. I did a 100% water change last tuesday and I didin't find a thing. It happened ver gradually, maybe over a 2-3 day period. It happened fast enough so that i could tell. But maybe Missy, your right, it was kinda a dtressfull time with all my fish coming down with every disease mentionalble, the male guppies and the male molly always fighting. Her loosing her hubby.....It's very possible. I got her a new have albino orange molly male. They seem to really like eachother. I really like his pink eyes!!! And now I have tons of fancy guppies(I went on a shopping spree) I have 1 male and 7 females with 4 about to burst. There are plenty of hiding places so I'll just let them give birth in the guppie tank were they all live, then I'll place them into teh fry tank. I have 2 very healthy molly fry. Ones so cute. He's not pitch black like the other, he's kinda grey in color!! I'm sorry about that little update on my fish. I just get so excited!!!!! Anyways, Thanks for relplying!!

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