Bent swordtail !


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2003
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staffordshire uk
Im kinda worried about a female swordtail i have , she has gone weird looking , she has gone like a boomerang shape and seems if her eyes are bulging any ideas what could have coursed this , shes been like this for 2 weeks , now she is being picked at by the other fish :sad: :sad:
Good question, I am going through the same thing with a molly, it looks like somebody sprayed hair spray on her tailfin, and she is all bowed up.....i never seen this before, i know it isn't ick, so i guess i will go and get some melafix, and see if that helps. Good luck to you, if you find out what it might be, please let me know....
I'm not sure what it is either, but I've had it happen, my first female went like that after having kids and never recovered from it
I just went through this with one of my platys. (Unfortunetly I lost her) The local fish store thought it was a vitamin C deficiency. Have you tried some different foods?
I just give them normal fish flakes , i will have to go to my lfs to see what i get for them to stop this happening again .
my bent swordtail has now passed away :( poor thing and i can't find her anywere :no: my thoughts are that she has been eaten :-(
If the fish is quite sick, it should be removed from the main tank to "hospital tank". When other fishes eat it, they can become síck very easily.

Usually guppies, platies, mollies, swortails etc.. become bent if the water is too soft for them. Also some diseases can cause it, like fish tuberculous.

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