guppy giving birth?


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2003
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just got home from the pub to find my guppy has given birth (well think its a guppy as she is the most heavily pregnant even though her baby pouch is still a bit red not black) was wondering would it be wise to move her now because the males are pestering here like there is no tommoz, and worrying due to the possiblility or her aborting, (even though i know the risks of moving her now) what the best guys and girls please help as its my first birth
I'M A DADDY :D :-( :D :-( :D :-( :D :-( :D :-( :D :-( :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
p.s she cant stay in the plants quick enough to hide to give birth due to male attention please help
first timer here
you can go to your closest fish store and grab a breeding net ... its a square frame with a mesh net that fits over it and it just hangs over the side of your tank ... this way the guppy can be left alone to give birth in her own environment without having to go through being taken out of the tank.. throw a plant in as well to give the babies a place to hide and once sh'e done giving birth leave the babies in the net and put her back in the tank so she won't eat the little ones. :hi: to the new additions
thanks have got the birthing tank and the one baby is in it so you say move her now then
ruffmeister Your guppy might have up to 30 or 40 babies i think so maybe you should leave her in there for a bit longer just in case and she will probably eat a few of them anyway so i wish you good luck DADDY :-( :fun: :D :S :sick:
Well I moved my Platy and she did ok. I didn't even know she was pg. She did have a hard 2 days in the new tank. Now she is happy. After she gave birth I moved her back to my large tank, but the same male was agressive towards her again, so now her new home is the 10 gallon.

Do u have any plants or somewhere to hide in the breeding tank? If u don't, the frys don't have anywhere to hide from the mom and I'm afraid they would have got eaten :X
its not a breeding tank its a breeding net you put in the tank and mum and babies get seperated, i put both mum and baby in (baby already born) and she hasnt given birth to any more
just strange for 1 baby
sometimes when u move preg females to a conjested place like breeding net, they get over stressed and therefore delay dropping if not abort.

this is why most ppl leave nature take its course or move to a bigger breeding tank.

i personally dont like breeding nets... think about it... u as a preg women.. trapped in a conjested space... can hardly manuvour, no one to chat to... u will get stressed too...
UM3R said:
i personally dont like breeding nets... think about it... u as a preg women.. trapped in a conjested space... can hardly manuvour, no one to chat to... u will get stressed too...
What about putting the offending male(s) into the breeding net until the female has given birth and recovered some?

Just an idea...I haven't actually tried it yet.

aka Lizard
Agree with UM3R on the breeding net issue. That's why I's like to encourage people to set up a breeding tank b4hand instead.

Breeding net is just too small for any adult fish to go in. :no:

The ONLY time I'll use a breeding trap (the plastic floating kind) is when I scooped the frys out of the main tank b4 transferring them to the breeding tank.
I agree with omer and feline
natural births are less stressing
and i dont find how you think putting
30 fry or more in a small net is normal.

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