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  1. C

    Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

    Received today, keep the sugnatures coming. Thanks Pete Thompson 24th Jan 2007 Dear Nirah supporter I hope you will have seen on the television or read in the local press of the success of Nirah in reaching the submission of...
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    Dried Food For Puffers?

    I have some bloodworm that my puffers appear to be eating. Is this ok for them? The guidance on the web is to use fresh foods, some take frozen, but mine are taking dried, so is this fine or will they grow out of it very quickly? Theyre only babies....
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    What Is This?

    Bristleworms are a pain in the butt, you can get stung just re-arranging your tank. The bristles on their back get in your pores and sting, they also have knashing teether that bite you and your fish. When your fish settle for the evening they can latch on and suffocate them. To set up a...
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    Elephant Nose

    Elephants also have a high mortality rate. No-one has kept them longer than 6 months as far as I am aware. Tropical fish mag wants them band for sale in the UK
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    What Puffer For A 4 Foot 30 Uk Gal?

    After being dissappointed with my salvini cichlid, I am selling him and getting some activity for my 30ish gallon 4 foot tank What puffer would you recommend I look out for? I've seen figure 8's and dwarfs around, but willing to old out for something special if needs be... what would look...
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    Eels For A 30uk Gal?

    Is there a type of eel suitable for a 30 gallon tank for life? I am considering puffers, because my salvini isnt active enough for the tank, but I am also facinated by eels. I say some eels in the local fish shop the other day that had almost dragon-like faces, and chunky bodies, they looked...
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    Exploding Mollies!

    i couldnt tell you how many fry, i have no experience of mollys and baby sizes but if they come out a mm each probably 20+ each? that could be 80+ total!!
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    Exploding Mollies!

    nah, not overfeeding, the males look fine, just the 4 females look very bloaty/preggers the males are chasing their underside a lot also maybe i'll wait it out, ive just heard stories of species holding onto them for ages and ages until the conditions were right
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    Exploding Mollies!

    I bought 6 mollies about 5 weeks ago, 3 black, 3 white, 4 females in total Anyway, the females are getting so big they look like they are about to explode... compared to the males they are twice the width I've never kept mollies before, what can I do to let them let go of their babies and...
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    Water Parameters - Analyse Please

    lol, i like my fish, but not that much!
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    Water Parameters - Analyse Please

    Ok well i went and got 4kg of coral, realyl good aswell because its quite chunky bits ideal for water flow, and stuck it in my cannister filter that should make the water harder and hopefully the PH. GH wont move though will it?
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    Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

    Noticed over 75 activists protested again last week, had a right go at them. the company who run the show actually said "Well, its gonna help rare species, so i dont see what you're protesting about - do you want rare species to become extinct?"
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    Water Parameters - Analyse Please

    Is there an 'All-in-one' product that i can put in to raise the hardness and ph? I have seen the liquid ph buffers but they are very expensive, and have seen seperate bags of salt, but would be good if there was an all round 'cichlid salt' that had trace eliments and di what i needed. if not...
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    Water Parameters - Analyse Please

    I just tested the water for my malawi's, the following was found Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 1mg/l GH = 12ish od KH = 4ish od PH = 7 I rea don one site malawi like more KH and higher PH, but this sites library says its lower? Advice please
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    Dont water change for 6 months

    I take back my comments, i dont use easybalance anymore, i do regular water changes. Why did i change? I realised a 40 uk gallon is capable of being stable most of the time, my fish have not died, and they acted differently when they had a water change (piranhas). I think this product could...
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    Convict Tankmates

    I stuck the 6 guippies in there, black and white ones, tank looks great :) They didnt look right int he cichlid tank anyway so out of there and hopefully my substrate will look nicer now without the #### all over it!!! Convicts keeping busy trying to organise the guppies, theyre such control...
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    Convict Tankmates

    theyre about an inch and a half so if i get something that can/should hold its own, it should be ok? how quick do oscars grow? a full size oscar would be too big i think if it cant turn around
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    Convict Tankmates

    My convict tank look sdead with two small convicts swimming around, any tankmate suggestions? I dont particularyl want to move my firemouths int here fromt he tank above it cos they are the main feature of that tank, just popped down the LFS, they have some adult malawi, and oscars i like...
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    Uv Lamp Choices?

    im about to change the bulb in my lamp because its starting to make everything look a pale pink colour and not the colour i want things. Which uv bulb should i go for? I see some tanks and they look really good like spanish summer sun on white sand, which lamps are these? I got a lamp the...
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    Convicts - Anything With Them?

    ah ok but then again in a 30 i wouldnt get much in there anyway filled the 40 gal (49 us gal) with lots of colourful malawi cichlids and a couple of firemouths, maybe turn the 30 into a turle tank??
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    Convicts - Anything With Them?

    our 30 gal work out as 36us gallons, 4 foot 1 foot wide
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    Two Tanks Yay! What?!

    went witht he malawi's, looks great, bottom tank still unsure, could go with turtles?? dunno... or a lone species of cichlid, larger one maybe or convicts?
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    Convicts - Anything With Them?

    I have an empty 30uk gallon, just going through my options Can you keep anything with convicts? The shop had them with a elephant nose and someting else (i forget now, think it was a knife fish?) If not, i'll look at something else for the 30 cos i sold the piranahs because the tanks looked bare
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    heh, possible already got mine tho, works a treat ;)
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    I saw that same tank, i was gonna be bidding against you if I had decided not to get it and go for the 4 foot tank with metal rack for £21 ;) good place old ebay, great when some have no reserve and badly advertised!
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    Two Tanks Yay! What?!

    heh ok Wiggle :) Gouramis never did charm me, so may do similar just alter the sotck with malawi instead! Reminds me, i need to go smash the parrot fish tank at that shop, stop them selling deformed beasties...
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    Two Tanks Yay! What?!

    think id need to wait for the tank to be mature before getting one of those
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    Two Tanks Yay! What?!

    looking at puffers and gobies ont he web, would be quite cool...
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    Two Tanks Yay! What?!

    hmm sounds a bit...erm boring to me, tetras and neons dont have any personailty.... what small cichlids can you get?
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    Two Tanks Yay! What?!

    Ok, go set up with two 4 foot tanks, one on top of the other in a rack, ones about 40 gallon, the other is a little less because its 2 inches shallow (so 30gal?) they're a foot wide. So, what shall I get? I figure I wanted the 40 for cichlids cos ive been wanting friendly fish for ages, the...
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    Python No Spill Clean And Fill

    anyone know where to get one in the uk? I found one place but its £40!! Theyre only like $23 in the usa...
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    Beautiful New Filter I Wanna Get. What Do You Think?

    how big is it? concerned im gonna overcrowd my tank
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    What Do You All Do?

    ive seen a lot of tanks with "not for sale, customers fish" at my LFS, on investigation they have been kept in tanks while they are away for long periods of time. me having piranhas, i can happily go for two weeks without a feed, in the wild they dont eat for months. i do worry after one week...
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    Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

    good job people! And i hear what your saying Bunji, i was going to do the same, and do as they have by listing all the email addresses of the officials involved.... however, i think this tactic is a little... well, malicious and spammy.
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    Fish... Its Whats For Dinner

    Of course! i dont like much fish though, unless eaten by themselves, or say swordfish etc. but because i keep my fish doesnt mean i dont eat them if my cat and dog tasted good id eat that too i've had horse meat, really nice
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    no water changes for 6 months???????

    Or injecting our CO2/fizz, using easybalance. You could also use yeast and ferment the water to re-produce the CO2, as one does with real ale, using nature. Doesnt stop Boddingtons injecting theirs instead of full fermentation techniques for gas. Two methods, one outcome, differnet quality...
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    What Would Be Your Perfect Size Tank?

    I would have a 6'x2'x2' good thing im getting one after christmas then isnt it ;) big ass Piranhas, big ass water changes lol
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    no water changes for 6 months???????

    it also contains trace elements, meaning your putting in goodness aswell for your fish and plants each week, probably more than the cruddy tap water used weekly. it controls the phos, so no algae, it controls the nitrates/nitrites/ammonia, so no need for bacteria it eliminates any 'tank...
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    Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

    The petition will be printed and mailed, it wont be just online only. Thanks for the support, it will be ace!
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    no water changes for 6 months???????

    been using it for over a year, and two water changes later. IMO it does work, ive never had to gravel vac, and my water is tested weekly before each treatment, the nitrates sometimes rise but fall within 12 hours of application. As for algae, i have a tank int he conservatory, it filled full...