Worlds Largest Aquarium Petition Is Up - Sign!

I have already constructed very lengthy, well constructed email that I have sent to all societies campaining against NIRAH. I have yet to recieve replies as i suspect I have stumped alot of campaingers with a well constructed and CORRECT point of view.

I personally think most animal activists are completely shallow and do not look at the full picture. Of course i am very much with them when it comes to campaining against testing cosmetics and drugs on animals, but campaigners go about stopping it completely the wrong way, and often dont really know what they are campaigning against.
This is what is happening with NIRAH. They have got wind of the word "experiment" and taken it COMPLETELY out of context, and have decided that this means they will be treated cruely and with little respect.
It only takes a quick call, or a look at the NIRAH website to find out that this is simply NOT what is going to happen.

Keep signing, but dont expect it to do much. I suggest you guys get emailing the activists, and in the most mature and intelligent way explain to them why you think they are wrong.

By typing "NIRAH" into google you will find websites of animal activists againts the proposed NIRAH.

I really doubt the activists will make a blind bit of difference as the NIRAH will provide thousands of jobs and will be an extremely eductational and interesting attraction for all who visit.


Just a general thought on the bolded parts of this statement:

It sounds like in this case the activists are worried about a few things. :
1) the speicies that will be going into this will be taken from the wild. I don't agree with catching wild lions and things and forcing them into captivity, so why agree to it with fish? That will also decrease the genepool that is availible to the wild selection, and thus might ultimately be detrimental to the evolution / growth of the species.
2) The 'experiments' I would like to know more about what exactly they plan on 'experimenting' with... it could be something as innocent as trying to find new ways to help dying species reproduce in captivity, or something as sinister as drug / Cosmetic / Genetic Mutation testing being done behind the friendly disguise of something innocent.
3) and, while the project might go forward and not be effected by activists, it still could be. Here in America the activists for making abortions illegal will not only try to burn down abortion clinics, but often attack or threaten those qualified to do abortions or those that work at the place. If they took the same approach here those that are hired to care for the fish might be threatened, attacked, the animals might be 'set free' or the place itself vandelized.
Their ethical policy

You know, I would like to know exacly what the campaigners are campaigning against...

I do not see them outside the London Aquarium, and I am sure the standards this place will offer will far exceed anything in the London Aquarium.

Nobody in their right minds would set up a place such as this with the intention of performing damaging and cruel experiments.

Places like this will be natures last refuge one day as people continue to destroy the planet, so really activists should be all for it.

I am all for conservation, and honestly would like to get work in that field, but can truly see the benefits of this project.

And for those with questions... try reading the rest of the site, the FAQ in particular
Received today, keep the sugnatures coming.

Pete Thompson

24th Jan 2007

Dear Nirah supporter

I hope you will have seen on the television or read in the local press of the success of Nirah in reaching the submission of outline planning stage. This would not have been possible without the support of yourselves. Your commitment in supporting Nirah at a critical time has helped to move this project one step closer to becoming a reality in Bedfordshire by 2012.

For your information - we plan to keep the Appeal Fund open to new members until March 31st 2007 - forms can still be obtained via the local office of Nirah on 01234 354576. (Please note it does say on the Nirah website that the appeal is closed - but since that message was posted it was decided to keep the fund open for a short while longer to give any late-comers the opportunity to join).

It is important to note that the success of the planning application still rests with Bedfordshire County Council - so if you live locally you now have the opportunity to express your views by contacting your local county councillor or by taking part in the continued public consultation. At the very least this may involve writing a letter to your local paper to express your views.

We have still very long way to go - but your support for Nirah has been mirrored by businesses and investors who have been encouraged by your support - more than 12,000 people signed the petition and £25,000 was collected in by the appeal.

Please go to for further details - or contact Jacquie Manners PRO for Nirah in Bedfordshire at the telephone number above.

Kindest regards

Jacquie Manners

PRO Nirah in Bedfordshire
Tel 01234 354576.
Should we not be asking what the animal welfare issue is that is causing the opposition first?

If its a real concern does this contries animal welfare not come first? Just a thought!

if theres no real problem with the site ill sign.
Not signing. Not if I cant find out what kind of "experimentation" they plan. And not if they're planning on keeping whales and dolphins. Nope, it's one thing keeping fish, but I'm completely against keeping whales and dolphins in captivity.

If that info is correct, and I'm not saying it is - just saying "if" - I'd much rather sign a petition against it. And I'm no tree hugging firebomb throwing animal rights activist (cant stand PETA and the like), far from it - I completely agree with drugs testing and things for medical benefit.

But I aint signing for a Keiko to go on show.

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