What Would Be Your Perfect Size Tank?

ok, first one to drool looses!!!!

how about 18" x 12" x 12"?

Its tiny. its like, 10 uk gallons. if that. its also a bit more difficult to maintain due to its dimure size is it not? a lot of skill and care would need to go into one of them, esp to make it very beautiful as you also have limited choice due to its size.
One with water in it.. still getting bits for setting this one up.. bah
I'd love a 100-150g for my synos. Actually I'd like 2 of 'em. :lol: Then I could let Angelicus have the 55g to himself with his friends and his current one could be used for fry or somesuch. :lol:
Currently my syno eupterus looked a little craped, even if they are happy. Am planning on saving for a 100usg to get some time next year for them. :hey:
Ive just seen a 6'x2'x2', approx 180us gallon. That was a nice size tank, would love something like that.
I would love to be able to have my future pond as a tank. A nice 6,500ish gallon tank would rock, though I dread to think the thickness of the sides at 7 feet tall...

For proper tanks I will most likely end up with an 8x3/4x2 tank somewhere.
I would have a 6'x2'x2'

good thing im getting one after christmas then isnt it ;)

big ass Piranhas, big ass water changes lol

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