Water Parameters - Analyse Please


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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I just tested the water for my malawi's, the following was found

Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 1mg/l
GH = 12ish od
KH = 4ish od
PH = 7

I rea don one site malawi like more KH and higher PH, but this sites library says its lower?

Advice please
Hi corbypete

You are correct about the ph, african cichlids like a high ph, in the region between 7.5 and 8.5. If your water has a ph of 7.0 you can use cruched coral or limestone to help bump up your ph. Alternatively you can use chemicals to increase ph but this, from what I have read can get messy and difficult to acuratly achieve the desired level of ph.

Can anyone comment on using chemicals to change ph, I have never used them but I am interested in other peoples personal experiences?

You are also correct about the gh (water hardness) most african cichlids like very hard water. If you use limestone rock in your tank this will increase the gh. From what I have read it apperas that a high ph is more important that high gh.

Nice page about water hardness
Is there an 'All-in-one' product that i can put in to raise the hardness and ph? I have seen the liquid ph buffers but they are very expensive, and have seen seperate bags of salt, but would be good if there was an all round 'cichlid salt' that had trace eliments and di what i needed.

if not, i guess conventional ways will have to do, although a) i have enough rocks in my aquarium, and B) its going to take a lot of trial and error

doesnt help i use the test strips, which could get costly doing lots of tests to find what i need for my specific water to get it right....

Like I say Pete I can only comment from what I`ve read:- You could Try the Cichlid Forum Recipe then use a commercial product that adds Malawi Cichlid trace elements If you wanted , I`ve seen people using this method.

If I were you I`d try a bag of cruched coral in my filter for a week then test again.
Ok well i went and got 4kg of coral, realyl good aswell because its quite chunky bits ideal for water flow, and stuck it in my cannister filter

that should make the water harder and hopefully the PH. GH wont move though will it?
You could always try moving down here (Wiltshire) our water is so hard we spend a fortune on kettle descaling even though we have a water softener.

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