Two Tanks Yay! What?!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Ok, go set up with two 4 foot tanks, one on top of the other in a rack, ones about 40 gallon, the other is a little less because its 2 inches shallow (so 30gal?)
they're a foot wide.

So, what shall I get? I figure I wanted the 40 for cichlids cos ive been wanting friendly fish for ages, the piranhas are going this week now they need a beefy tank

There is a Rhom by himself in the lower tank right now, i still need to get some lighting sorted for it but any suggestions, i really cant think what to get, and the local fish shops isnt exactly inspiring!

Blooms is quite good for fish, lots of variety so may have a poke down there, but they are all really tiny babies so they all look the same (they have 2" oscars - many wouldnt know what they grow into!)

fancy crabs and blue lobsters again, got lots of snails (i like the big ones) so i never get algae, and have aPlec also that im keeping (2 inch)

What would you do if you had two 4 foot empty tanks?!
id set one up as a giant community tank with loads of cardinal or neon tetras (probably ALOT of neons) a huge pile of zebra danios and a pile of glass catfish. maybe add a khuli loach or two if your filter will take it. eg;

10x zebra
16x Neons
6x glass catfish

It would give a very lively tank. I'd then make tank two a species only tank. what species is a bit more difficult...
I would have one fast, zippy tank: giant danios, tiger barbs and some fairly sturdy loricariid down the bottom.

And then one gentle peaceful tank: lace gouramis, harlequins or tetras, and maybe a BIG school of either corys or khulies loaches for the bottom.

Or, restrict myself to one of the above, and then breed goodeids in the other.
hmm sounds a bit...erm boring to me, tetras and neons dont have any personailty....

what small cichlids can you get?
looking at puffers and gobies ont he web, would be quite cool...
what about the checkerboard cichlid? (crenicara filamentosa)
think id need to wait for the tank to be mature before getting one of those
my 4 foot's gonna be empty from next weekend, I'll be stocking it with dwarf cockatoo chiclids, gourami's, dwarf gourami's, a plec, a catfish and a few cory's :D I can't wait

but that's my idea.... it's copyright, u can't have it :p
heh ok Wiggle :)

Gouramis never did charm me, so may do similar just alter the sotck with malawi instead!

Reminds me, i need to go smash the parrot fish tank at that shop, stop them selling deformed beasties...
don't say that!

I've a parrot fish in one of my other tanks.... I think she's lovely :)

aye a malawi tank's a nice idea too, I quite fancy one at some point.
went witht he malawi's, looks great, bottom tank still unsure, could go with turtles?? dunno... or a lone species of cichlid, larger one maybe or convicts?

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