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  1. N

    Planted Tank, Rams, More..

    Alright! Got some new pics finally! And I went a little crazy! :P I'm pretty happy right now with my tank. :) Although, I'm seeing some hair algae on the ricca that gets out of the hairnet/rock setup so hopefully it'll remain under control! I'm not sure what a lot of these plants are... except...
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    My New 29 Gallon Tank

    That's unfortunate. But they're beautiful regardless!! I'm curious... how are they doing together? Do they fight much? I wonder because one of the males I have just died (I had 2 pairs). He appears to have gotten stuck under some driftwood. No idea how. As a result though, the females are...
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    My New 29 Gallon Tank

    Looks very nice :) Do you know what sex your Rams are? It looks like two females to me, if so keep an eye on them for squabbling... but I could be wrong.
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    Planted Tank, Rams, More..

    Thanks :) Lighting when that picture was taken was 2x65watt 6700k power compacts, but since the pictures have been taken I got new plants and doubled the lighting. I do have c02. It's a package made by Red Sea to fit on paintball cylinders. (link). I'm not sure if it's just me but I've found the...
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    Planted Tank, Rams, More..

    Thanks guys :) I've never had luck with plants in the past but I think this time I'm doing alright with them because I could afford good lighting and substrate finally. I used to drool over big planted tanks. I love creating/owning one!
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    Planted Tank, Rams, More..

    Got a sparkly new digital cam today and decided to take it for a whirl. This is my 90 gallon (US) planted tank. It's home for: 2 pairs of rams, a pair of apisto's, some swordtails, some neons, BN plecs. I'm getting some more plants tomorrow hopefully *shakes fist at online plant place* and those...
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    My Blue Rams Spawned!

    Update: The next day, all the eggs were gone from where they had previously been and a pleco was in the exact spot they were. I figured the plec had eaten them and that was that. Fast forward to 30 minutes ago. I notice the pair that spawned being REALLY aggressive to all that come near the...
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    First Fish Ever

    When I was a kid we (whole family) went to the LFS and picked out neon's and a betta because they were the most colorful ones there. Of course, the employee's told us it would be ok. We got the tank, the fish, everything same day. Anyway, I don't recall having many problems with health because...
  9. N

    My Blue Rams Spawned!

    I got 2 pairs of blue rams a week or two ago from a local breeder. We have pretty hard water here and I've found that Ram's simply don't live long, no matter what I do if they were purchased in a LFS. Fast forward a bit of time. Yesterday I noticed the male Ram's colors were quite different...
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    Plant Roots Rotting?

    How long ago did you put the new substrate in? Is it possible you sufficated the plants roots? I have no idea if this is it, but I just added some Eco-Complete to an exsisting tank and on the back it said something like: Warning adding susbstrate ontop of substrate can be damaging to aquatic...
  11. N

    C02 System With A Paintball Cylinder?

    Hi Everyone :) I was looking at this: and wondering what your opinions are? Things to note: I have no clue about pressurized c02 and the components needed so whatever I do, it's gotta be really simple. I'm not even close to being...
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    Please Help

    This site is by far the best source I've found online for diagnosis/treatment advice. Loads of pictures, descriptions of behaviour, and treatment(s). Good luck! I hope that site will help you :)
  13. N

    So...water Hardness?

    Thanks for the replies so far guys :) Gives me somethings to think about.
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    So...water Hardness?

    So lowering the pH does nothing for the hardness? I thought that pH and hardness went hand in hand? High pH = hard water. Is this wrong? I know nothing about RO units either and am not sure I want to go this route... seems very expensive. I'm more concerned about my plants then fish, since...
  15. N

    So...water Hardness?

    Hi Everyone :) Time for me to pop out of lurk mode for a question or three! So about 6 months ago, I finally gave in and got a 90 gallon tank. Which I love!! I've hesitated for years to get a decent size because of costs, but I did it! My water is very very hard. I did a bunch of water...
  16. N

    Cheapest Online Store

    I've found these guys to to have good prices (at least compared to other canadian sites I looked at) and shipping was quick.
  17. N

    Bogwood Query

    The exact same thing happened to me! Except I soaked mine for about 24 hours in the bathtub. The white/clear stuff didn't seem to harm anything and the fish even ate it. Not sure how good that was for them, but nothing negative happened as a result.
  18. N

    Fish Tycoon...

    Hey Everyone :) I found a neat little game the other day and figured I would share it with you all! It's called fish tycoon and basically you breed and raise fish to sell at the lfs. Just a cute little game I've been having fun playing once in awhile. *back to lurk mode* Enjoy! Linkie...
  19. N

    Purchasing Advice Please :)

    Thanks for the great advice Zig and Anvil!! and eeeeeeeeeeeeeew about that stuff going mushy. PFFT! Any opinions on the lighting? :)
  20. N

    Purchasing Advice Please :)

    Hi All :) Maybe you saw my last post about going to battle with algae and starting over. To update any who didn't read my tank stats are: 29 gallon Pea gravel 3 lights - 1 coralife full spectrum, 1 triton, 1 cheap hardware store bulb c02 hagen set I was thinking of upgrading my lighting...
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    Going To Battle With Algae... What Do You Guys Think?

    Thanks for your reply, Wendy. I will go to home depot tomorrow and see what I can find. :) I'm still not sure if I should replace the current lights with compact flourscents. But I'm getting a quote for someone to build me a proper canopy, with room for four lights. Maybe that would be...
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    Going To Battle With Algae... What Do You Guys Think?

    Alright, so I've had my tank running for at least 8 years now. About 1.5 years ago I started to slowly get into plants. All went well for 6 months until algae starting to kill everything!! UGH! I somewhat gave up, after trying desperatly for a few months to rid myself of algae. I tried ferts...
  23. N

    Outdoor pond plants in a tropical tank?

    If it's "water lettuce" you'll be fine. I have some in my tank. Grows really fast!
  24. N

    ph down!!!

    These links will help:
  25. N

    ph down!!!

    Your PH is within limits that your fish can stand. I had my angels in ph of 8. They were fine. :) How long has your tank been running? Edit: whoops can't read. You said 3 weeks its been running? I would check out the board FAQ on cycling. Most likey ammonia posioning is killing them.
  26. N

    ph down!!!

    Whats the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? How long has the tank been running?
  27. N

    Tank maintenance to keep it healthy?

    I think your asking for the impossible with live plants. As far as I've learned algae is the direct result of too much of something. Wether it be nutrients, light, nitrate, waste etc. The ways I've been taught to combate algae in my planted tanks is: 1. Lots and lots of water changes. 2...
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    How many of you with plants use CO2

    *puts up hand* "me me me" 29 gallon planted, with Hagen's C02 set up. Not too sure on how much though.
  29. N

    How do u get your information?

    I worked in a pet store years ago. So got basic knowledge from that. But mostly just surfing different sites... and of course, this board.
  30. N

    My Simple 20g

    It's not just you. They don't work for me either.
  31. N

    29 gallon planted

    Hi Tear-Scar :) I totally agree with you on the planted tank background it's... :sick: lol. I will be getting a plain black background next time I'm out and about shopping. After seeing lovely planted tank pics here with the black background I've been converted. The blue glass marble disk...
  32. N

    29 gallon planted

    Thanks for the comments :) I love that last pic of the Ram too! He's like "Geez mom, what the heck are you holding?! Lemme get a closer look"
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    How big is your tank? If space allows it I would get 2 female swords to distract him. If you don't have the space I would consider returning him. Fish that are bullied a lot are constantly stressed, which could lead to disease or death.
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    what is enough food

    Like the other posters I stick to the 2-3 minute rule as well. Some food always gets missed and fall to the gravel and the bottom feeders get the food as they sift around.
  35. N

    29 gallon planted

    There isn't a fake plant in the tank! Only in the first pic, which was about 3 months ago, and only two fakes ones in that. :) Edit: AHH! You edited, lol, yep they are all real.
  36. N

    29 gallon planted

    Hi Fin Platy and Bolivian Ram peeking at us Bolivian Ram decides if he should go inside the cave Even though this one is really blurry I think it's cute! Bolivian Ram.
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    29 gallon planted

    Mr. Platy, the only male of the bunch. Out of focus but he moved too fast all the time. Best I could do. Platy Fry... for the fry lovers Foregroung plants, not sure what they are called anymore
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    29 gallon planted

    Full tank shot, with lots of reflections lol. Orange platy Neon tetra and calico platy
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    29 gallon planted

    This is the first time I took photos of my tank and showed anyone... so I went a bit crazy and some are not in the best focus (my cam isn't the best). Enjoy!! My tank when I first got live plants. Blurry! :( The tank after re-arranging, C02 and time to grow a bit. That's water lettuce at...
  40. N

    My dog is a fish!

    Hmmm I have no clue what kind he was. Not even sure what species are native here (Ontario).