Planted Tank, Rams, More..


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2005
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Got a sparkly new digital cam today and decided to take it for a whirl. This is my 90 gallon (US) planted tank. It's home for: 2 pairs of rams, a pair of apisto's, some swordtails, some neons, BN plecs. I'm getting some more plants tomorrow hopefully *shakes fist at online plant place* and those will probably help cover up the ugly heater.

Whole tank:

Male Ram:

Male Rams showing off for each other:


Right Side:

Left Side:

Everyone wanted to be in this one :p

Hope you enjoyed them! :)
wish i could afford a big tank and all those plants :drool:

my snails would love that tank, lol.
That is a very lovely tank. Your lotus looks particularly good, very red. I have a fondness for rams though I've never kept them. A charming fish.

llj :)
Your plants look extremely healty and the fish look great, good job :)
Thanks guys :) I've never had luck with plants in the past but I think this time I'm doing alright with them because I could afford good lighting and substrate finally. I used to drool over big planted tanks. I love creating/owning one!
Yeah nice tank. I love the red leaf plant too. I saw it in one of my LFS, but for display only. Will search for one... :)
Very nice tank, plants look very lush and the fish look happy what lighting do you have and do you use co2 etc?
That tank is, to me, amazing. Has the layout I like, a very nice piece of driftwood. Your rams look great also, I took a risk a while ago, knowing how difficult Rams could be and bought a pair, one passed but my survivor is thriving with amazing colors....they are now my favorite fish and yours appear to be superb specimins. Keep up the good work.

Quick question, what is the tall plant (or group of plants) all the way on the left side of the tank? It appears to be a group of stem plants but I can't make a good ID.
Very nice tank, plants look very lush and the fish look happy what lighting do you have and do you use co2 etc?

Thanks :) Lighting when that picture was taken was 2x65watt 6700k power compacts, but since the pictures have been taken I got new plants and doubled the lighting. I do have c02. It's a package made by Red Sea to fit on paintball cylinders. (link). I'm not sure if it's just me but I've found the unit a tad unreliable. When the reactor stops, it's a fight to get it restarted.

That tank is, to me, amazing. Has the layout I like, a very nice piece of driftwood. Your rams look great also, I took a risk a while ago, knowing how difficult Rams could be and bought a pair, one passed but my survivor is thriving with amazing colors....they are now my favorite fish and yours appear to be superb specimins. Keep up the good work.

Quick question, what is the tall plant (or group of plants) all the way on the left side of the tank? It appears to be a group of stem plants but I can't make a good ID.

Thank you!! I got my Rams from a local breeder... as a result these ones seem much healthier then ones I've tried to keep in the past from the LFS. They already have spawned twice and I've had them for about a month! They even took care of the babies to free swimming stage... and then I'm not sure what happened. One day I left the house and the fry were there and on return all of them were gone.

The plant is called "Limnophila sessiliflora". It's done ok with my relative low lighting, but has gotten a bit leggy. Hopefully with some trimming and the new lights it'll get bushier again.
Thanks for that info Nyte, I just fell in love with that where to get some (after I can get a new PC light for my tank, other one burnt out!!! .7 WPG now instead of 2.9!!!!)
Alright! Got some new pics finally! And I went a little crazy! :p

I'm pretty happy right now with my tank. :) Although, I'm seeing some hair algae on the ricca that gets out of the hairnet/rock setup so hopefully it'll remain under control! I'm not sure what a lot of these plants are... except for the originals and the obvious (like the banana plant).

Full Tank:

Bigger tank shot:

Ram Fry:

Middle tank:

Left side:


Banana Plant & random plants:

I still think this is a nice one ... I just love the tiger lotus, it looks so nice... :)


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