ph down!!!


New Member
Apr 14, 2005
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HOW DO I GET PH DOWN?!!!!!!!!!!! my angel fish are dying and no one will respond to me whenever i post in the emergency part so im desperate i need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could you give more details please? Did the rise in PH happen suddenly? Water stats? How long have the fish been in the tank? What product are you using to bring it down?

Sorry about the lack of response, but from my point of view your posting was made at 5.19 in the morning and we're not all early risers. It's only 6.30 now and the merest chance that I have stumbled bleary-eyed out of bed. I do understand why you're panicking- it's a horrible situation- but if you send in your details I'm sure somebody will be able to help.
im in the us and its only 1:48 in the morning and my job causes me to be an insomniac and i just want my little angel fishy to be ok :-( the ph is 7.6 and its a 29 gallon tank, there were 2 angel fish for like 3 weeks and the one died a couple a days ago and im new at testing ph please dont yell at me.

presently we have:
2 skirted tetras
silver shark
3 ghost shrimp
clawed albino frog

angel fish :-(
Whats the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? How long has the tank been running?
I don't know the ammonia, or the nitrites, I only have a PH testing kit. I just need to know how much PH down to put in. 1 drop? 2? My tank has been running for 3 weeks.
Your PH is within limits that your fish can stand. I had my angels in ph of 8. They were fine. :)

How long has your tank been running?

Edit: whoops can't read. You said 3 weeks its been running? I would check out the board FAQ on cycling. Most likey ammonia posioning is killing them.
3 weeks. If it's not the PH, what can it be? She is floating in circles and sinking to the bottom, then almost getting stuck in the filter. The other one was found one morning dead, and stuck to the filter. They seem to be getting weaker. Also, my ghost shrimp have gone from clear with little black eyes to brownish, with brown dots all over them. Can this be something in my tank???? :crazy:
If your tank has only been running three weeks I'd say thats your problem. Go to the begginers area and check out the bits on cycling. Thats a good chance on what you have (you didnt say you cycled the thank first). I'd take a sample down down to your LFS first chance you get and have it tested.

OOps forgot to actually say its probably ammonia and or nitrIte problems, ph in general is to much of an issue, that is you watch less closely than ammonia and nitrIte and depending on fish sensetivity about as much as or a little less than nitrate


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