Please Help


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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I posted this in the emergency section aboutan 1/2 hour to an hour ago but got no replies. I can't go to bed with out knowing what i can do? and what's causing the problem.

origonal post
I'm not really sure whats wrong with all 6 of my platties (4fem2male). They all look kinda fuzzy like there are little woolies all over them. and to top it off i just found at least 15 babies in there as well!!!!!!!!

I don't know if it's ich/whitespot or velvet. does anyone have a pic of these so i can figure out what to do.
i won't have a other tank set up for the babies until at least tomorrow (its cycled but housing fish for a friend) plus i guess whatever the grownups have the babies have too right? i can't see anything but they are really tiny.

also i found the mom. she's not doing well at all she is upside down most ot the time. i moved her to a small 1 gal tank with an airstone, i don't want her to die in the main tank overnight, i really don't think she'll make it through she's really covered in fuzz, in fact i noticed it on her first, now all the fish are covered.

please help someone :-( :-( :-( :sad:
unfortunately when you depend on a forum fr all of your advice patience is a necessary trait. People who have an answer for you will not be on at all times of the day.

That said, I don't know exactly what your fish have got, but "fuzzy" sounds like either some sort of body fungus, or columnaris. There is information about both online, how to identify them and how to treat them.

Sorry to say but it doesn't sound good if it is this far advanced. Research it tonight on the web and go buy medication tomorrow based on your research and any other replies you may have gotten by then.

good luck
thank you i know patience is needed but when it's the life of your fish sometimes your heart just can't wait.
espically since i have only had these fish 2-3 weeks.

i just noticed when picking around at the tank that the heater is not working at all. the water is still reading ok for normal temp but i will try to turn up the heat tomorrow with a new heater and do a 50% or a little more water change tomorrow.
Sounds like some type of external fungus or velvet. Quarentine the fish into a smaller tank, if its over 30 gallons, since it will be easier to treat and try using some MelaFix. Its a natural medication that can also be used when adding new fish.

It treats external bacterial and fungus infections. I have great luck with it. Just read the instructions on the back.

thank you i know patience is needed but when it's the life of your fish sometimes your heart just can't wait.
espically since i have only had these fish 2-3 weeks.

I know what you mean. When my rope fish of 7 years got ick, my heart was broken because I had no money to get the right medication. I watched him slip away. He was my best friend, He would curl up into my hand and lay there and eaet while in my hand at the surface of the water. He let my pat him too.
I guess we get really attached to our fish sometimes.
i've never had melafix successfully treat anything, though it's certainly helped in fin repair on my bettas. I think that melafix may be too weak a solution for something that's progressed this far...

If you PM Wilder you may get a better answer
Melafix is not intended to treat any disease- it's just a mild tonic. Its sister medication Pimafix is the one that is designed to treat bacterial infections.
i just got permia fix or whatever it's called i hope im not too late to save the 2 remaining platies and the babies

4 have died :shout:
last 2 fish died but babies are still really good.
my plan is to treat them in the tank for seven days to make sure the are not sick too.

wish me luck!

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