My New 29 Gallon Tank


New Member
Nov 4, 2006
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These are my new babies.






Looks very nice :) Do you know what sex your Rams are? It looks like two females to me, if so keep an eye on them for squabbling... but I could be wrong.
After reading more about sexing them on line, I think they're females too. The guy at the lfs sold them to me as a pair.
From what I can see the tank looks awesome and so does the fish. Could you post a picture of the whole tank though?! :D

Thanks! This is my first big tank. The largest before this was 10 gal. After seeing my tank, now my husband is talking about doing his 55 gal tank with different substrate with maybe some brown slate. This is really my first attempt. I just had a picture in my head of what I wanted, and it seems to work out. The real stars of the tank are the rams. I've also got 6 rasboras and 6 spotted corys in there.


Sorry about the flash....
After reading more about sexing them on line, I think they're females too. The guy at the lfs sold them to me as a pair.

That's unfortunate. But they're beautiful regardless!! I'm curious... how are they doing together? Do they fight much? I wonder because one of the males I have just died (I had 2 pairs). He appears to have gotten stuck under some driftwood. No idea how. As a result though, the females are significantly less aggressive towards each other. Is this the case with yours as well?
After reading more about sexing them on line, I think they're females too. The guy at the lfs sold them to me as a pair.

That's unfortunate. But they're beautiful regardless!! I'm curious... how are they doing together? Do they fight much? I wonder because one of the males I have just died (I had 2 pairs). He appears to have gotten stuck under some driftwood. No idea how. As a result though, the females are significantly less aggressive towards each other. Is this the case with yours as well?

I've only had them 2 days, but I haven't seen any aggression yet.... They play and swim together.
Nice Tank and fish , what substrate have you used ? looks very natural.

Could do with a decent background maybe just plain black.
Nice Tank and fish , what substrate have you used ? looks very natural.

Could do with a decent background maybe just plain black.

The substrate is Eco-Complete. And I do have a black background, with threads of grey in it (it resembles slate), you just can't see it well because of the camera flash.

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