Search results

  1. NeonTetra97

    Fluval Tube Connectors Flaking

        I think I know what you mean, I personally use Fluvial filters, and I can relate the the 'flaky' hose connectors. It is usually just deposits left behind by sediment in the tap water and algae that just binds the the surface and when I clean it the light coloured dirt can appear to flake...
  2. NeonTetra97

    Runt Emperor, Co2 Diffusion, Seachem Root Tabs

    On the CO2 diffusion, would it be possible to install a powerhead? I have seen people using the powerheads with venturi (airline) inlets. Hook the CO2 up to that and it will be injected to the outflow of the powerhead. They are super cheap on amazon :) and not only will it improve the flow and...
  3. NeonTetra97

    Micron Filtration

    Hi,    I am building a water polisher because I have an old powerhead laying around and I am quite curious to see exactly how far you can take mechanical filtration (with no chem media at all like carbon) to achieve perfectly clear water. This will only probably be a short term experiment but a...
  4. NeonTetra97

    Odd White/grey Discolouration On Betta's Head

    Can you describe what the discolouration looks like more please? How large of an area is discoloured and is it swollen or raised at all? Also it seems unusual for a cycled tank to have no nitrates, what kind of test kit are you using (strips,liquid) and how long has the tank been set up? Also...
  5. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

      He seems to be at rest (not very often since his lady friend died :( ) on the right hand side of the tank by a particular piece of driftwood, right now I  have a tight group of stem plants there that they both used to hide amongst, I don't really like them so this could be a good excuse to...
  6. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

      Thats a brilliant idea! I wonder how much I would need to move things, I think I know what part of the tank he calls home so I might just buy some new plants and replace them, to be honest I don't really like the plants where he hangs out anyway. And as to adding females I am considering this...
  7. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

      Thanks for the input Byron, what food were you referring to? NLS Hex Shield or NLS Thera A? I think Thera A is intended to be a staple and is not medicated but if I'm wrong then I won't be using it.    And an update on the situation, my male has been behaving oddly since the female died, no...
  8. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    Does anyone have any info on garlic and parasites? I have heard from a few sources now that fish food containing garlic can help with internal parasites, specifically New Life Spectrum Thera A   This would be interesting to learn more about, and I assume Thera A can be used as a staple since it...
  9. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

      Certainly agree with that, this is the first time I have tried to post a prohibited link. A shame really, as you say all knowledge should be shared! If you do want that link I can PM it to you, its an interview with the creators of Hex Shield.
  10. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    Yea feeding it to often I'm sure wouldn't be good, might be worth feeding it now just to be sure any Hex that might have been present is gone. And having some on hand in case of any future problems would be good, as I think it ships from America so getting it in an emergency would be tricky. And...
  11. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    Oh no :( that must have been awful, I can now relate to the way it feels to loose the more 'special' fish. Loosing any fish is bad, but I can't say it has ever upset me greatly, I aways just tried fix any problems that caused the loss. But with the ram it got me a bit.   It would be good to know...
  12. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    It can feel like we are left out in the UK from lots of the aquarium products available in America, but often Amazon can come to the rescue. I was also considering getting some, and using it as a prevention much like when I feed peas to avoid bloating. And as you say, New Life Spectrum food...
  13. NeonTetra97

    Guppy Fish Keep Dying!

    Hello, welcome to the forum!   Just a note about the Guppies, although I haven't kept them personally for over a year I remember having problems with bullying. And I believe this was due the the male to female ratio I had. If I remember right you should aim for more females than males in a 2:1...
  14. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    Thanks Byron, all seems good today luckily, also I have taken your advice to hold off on meds. A quick water change (50%) to remove as much of the ParaGaurd as possible. I will keep a very close eye on the situation but hopefully no more abnormalities occur.   Thanks so much for all your advice...
  15. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

      Yea I thought the lack of any flashing did make flukes less plausible, but then maybe there was flashing and I missed it. Hex also sounds plausible, the bullying may have weakened her and thats how Hex took hold? So it might be a good idea to stop the ParaGaurd, I have only administered one...
  16. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

      Oh no that would be so sad although it doest surprise me in a way, when I firs got them I almost returned the female due to her being bullied but then they began presenting behaviours that looked like they were breeding so I thought the were getting along! But I understand their attitudes can...
  17. NeonTetra97

    Rare Diseases

      I shouldn't be listening to the scaremongering, getting all paranoid now I've had my first 'serious' disease outbreak. Some articles makes fish keeping sound as dangerous as an extreme sport! 
  18. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    Parameters:   Ammonia:   0 Nitrites:       0 Nitrates:     15-20ppm GH:            8 degrees KH:            3-6 degrees PH:            6.4-6.8 Temp:        26 degrees   The PH, that was the odd one out, I'm going to test agin in a few minutes to see if it was the fault of the test strips but it...
  19. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

      All the others do seem healthy so far, and I can't say I've seen any sign of white poo, I've been looking out for this and it has been normal. But there is always a chance I could get that wrong so I won't be ruling out Hex.   API Liquid test for ammonia and strips for the rest, I know they...
  20. NeonTetra97

    Rare Diseases

    Hi,   Recently been having bad experience with illness in my tank (posted in the emergencies section) and I have spent some time reading about the various diseases fish can get. Some sound truly horrific, and knowing we as the keepers can catch them too is awful!    This leads on to my question...
  21. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    She began to regain some colour and I was hopeful she was going to be okay until I found out for sure what was wrong with her, but sadly she has just died a few minutes ago.   Now begins the mission to halt the spread of whatever this is. The only symptoms that I noticed were: pale colour, heavy...
  22. NeonTetra97

    Blue Rams Pale And Lifeless

    Hi all,   Very sad to find my female german blue ram very pale yesterday, and even more so today. She looks like she won't last much longer, and I'm not sure whats wrong with her.   Stats: - 125 L - Ammonia 0, Nitres 0, Nitrates 15-20ppm  - 25 degrees C  - Weekly 40% water changes    Its so...
  23. ram.png


  24. NeonTetra97

    Looking For Uv Recommendations

      Do you run your UV inline with your filter or is it on a separate pump? 
  25. NeonTetra97

    Fish Tank Water Change

    A bigger tank makes your life way easier also, the more water the more stable the parameters are, bigger is better in that respect :)
  26. NeonTetra97

    Annoying Dead Spot!

    Thanks bette fish! What filter did you attach it to? And was it easy or did it take a bit of adjusting, since the width of the filter hose might be mismatched to that nozzle
  27. NeonTetra97

    Annoying Dead Spot!

      Oh wow! That is exactly the sort of thing I had in mind! I looked on their website but couldn't find that item, the link you sent took me directly to the image and I can't seem to find the actual product listing?      I might just pick up a spray bar and give it a go, like you say if it is...
  28. NeonTetra97

    Annoying Dead Spot!

      I'm not using a spray bar yet Rob, I'm worried that although the coverage and dispersal of flow will be better the spray bar might restrict the turnover rate? Those small holes makes me feel like adding a spray bar may actually be detrimental to over all performance of the filter, not certain...
  29. NeonTetra97

    Annoying Dead Spot!

    I have been running a Fluval 306 on a 125L tank for nearly two years now and it is a brilliant filter, however since I've been keeping messier fish (plecos!) a dead spot underneath the filters return has become apparent. Lots of fish waste seem to accumulate where the filters flow can't reach...
  30. NeonTetra97

    Acclimatising Fish

    When I float fish I use a clothes peg or something similar to anchor the bag the the rim of the tank. Glad your angels are doing well!
  31. NeonTetra97

    Betta Fish Filter

    It may be a little to powerful judging by the flow rate that the manufacturer suggests but when you put media into it that will reduce the flow, also you can add plants and other things to disperse the flow from the filter more. A good flow rate would be 15gph, try to find a filter close to that...
  32. NeonTetra97

    Gbr - Male Or Female?

    Yea, thats what I thought as soon as I got them home! Now I need to decide what to do, is it okay to keep two females? Thanks for your help Rob 
  33. NeonTetra97

    Water Conditioners

    Like a few others I also use Prime and love it! Can be a bit tricky to use because the dosages are so small, so if you buy a syringe to measure it out it makes water changes easy! Happy fish keeping :)
  34. NeonTetra97

    Gbr - Male Or Female?

    So, for a while now I have been after a pair of German Blue Rams and finally my LFS had some in stock! So, me and two members of staff tried our best to choose one male and one female. But I'm not sure if I have a male/female pair, or two females. So I will post some pics and see what you think...
  35. gbr2.png


  36. gbr1.png


  37. NeonTetra97

    Gold Ram? Female Or Male?

    AquaPit she (or he) is lovely! Funny because I just picked up a pair of German Blue Rams from my LFS and I can't tell if the are a male and female pair or both female! Can be so tricky to sex fish accurately, I always start doubting myself! haha
  38. NeonTetra97

    Stocking A 125 Litre

      Hi Byron, I really like the idea of some higher level swimmers, and the Loreto tetras look really nice. Hopefully one of my lfs stocks them. I have paid particular attention to the BNs and have provided separate pieces of driftwood for them and they seem really happy so far. The marble...
  39. NeonTetra97

    Stocking A 125 Litre

    And I forgot to ask but are the rams male and female or a single sex pair?
  40. NeonTetra97

    Stocking A 125 Litre

    Exactly the tank I've got, and that list is very inspiring! I don't know why but I have always admired german blues but never considered them for my set up until now! And the black phantoms look brilliant to. Being a fan of tetras the embers are high on my list but now I have so much more to...