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  1. K

    1.5 Nano Planted Cube

    About 15-20 shrimp should be my max threshold... After that, I should start looking into putting together another tank... :rolleyes: Talk about good motivation huh?
  2. K

    I Bought My Shrimp Tank

    Nice Nice! Try to find a nice clump of moss to toss in somewhere. I noticed you said you are going to "start" with Ghost Shrimp. Does that mean that you are going to take them out after awhile? I said this because Ghost shrimp have a tendency to eat smaller and weaker shrimp.... So it may be...
  3. K

    1.5 Nano Planted Cube

    It is good to have moving water. However, Under-gravel filter sounds like its powered from a bubbler right? Planted Tank enthusiasts usually stray away from having a bubbler. Why? Plants need CO2, and bubblers seem to increase the partial pressure of oxygen (P02) in the water, leaving less...
  4. K

    Updated Remodled Planted Tank! (7/9/08)

    Interesting. Thats a first for me. Then again most things are.
  5. K

    1.5 Nano Planted Cube

    Alright. I will attempt to help you, even though im a noob also hahaha. I'll give you some advice on what ive learned through other people, and from my mistakes. 1. I live in a place where my room rarely drops below 70F. If your room is the same, then you dont need a heater. Shrimps can...
  6. K

    1.5 Nano Planted Cube

    Hey guys, I haven't posted on this forum in a long long time. Anyways, I have been running my 1.5 planted cube for a week now, and am ready to post some pictures! But first, some specs: Equipment: -1.5 gallon Glass Cube with back spray painted black -Red Sea Deco Art Filter -26 watt desklamp...
  7. K

    Merrick's Bloaty Problem Update

    In the wild, betta rarely come by a meal, so it is healthy to skip 1-2 days a week of feeding. Now, I know this is quite a hard task, because everytime you see your betta swimming around, you just want to plop in a pellet or two. :shifty: The days of fasting, should clean out your betta's...
  8. K

    Keeping My Bettas Warm.

    Ah. Thank for the heads up. However, I am from Vietnam (the part of the world where betta splendens comes from) ...and lets just say... You WISH Vietnam is 78-80 degrees all the time. Maybe in the winter, if you're lucky. Average temps are high 80s, to high 90s. Also, fancy bettas, like my...
  9. K

    Keeping My Bettas Warm.

    Blackwater extract naturally lowers ph, and softens water. Similar effects to the Indian Almond Leaf. Thanks for your kinds words. You can tell I spoil him with the best.
  10. K

    Keeping My Bettas Warm.

    Ever since I added a heater in my tank, my betta is healthy as ever. Im using a 7.5 watt Jr. heater, for my 2.5 gallon. The temperature stays a constant 85F. For those of you scared of frying your betta, or fluctuating temps, dont worry. This heater is pretty reliable. I also use 2 Mls...
  11. K

    Back In The Betta Game

    Hey guys! I haven't been here for about a year. First year of college and stuff. Anyways, here is my latest desk buddy. 2.5 gallon glass @ 85F (no small betta prison here!) Glad to be back.
  12. K

    Icarus' New Colors

    Nice, what do you feed it?
  13. K

    Betta Pair

    Very nice! best of luck on your spawn. Im pretty sure it's spelled Cambodian thought.
  14. K

    Thinking Of Getting Angels

    Angels should be good with any tetras except Neons. Neons are too small and will be gobbled up like cracker jacks.
  15. K

    Discus Tank On Rain Water?

    Are you planning on breeding them? or just keeping them as pets? My best experience with discus is a clean and Consitistent [i][u] source of water. Do not try to add a bunch of chemicals to get that lucky 6.8.... If you do, you have to get exactly that number everytime. For me, I have slowly...
  16. K

    Discus And Angels

    My experience with discus and angels: I have own discuses for a while now. One month I added a pair of angels with my dicus. Theoretically, Angels and Discus are perfect for each other because they require the same water parameters. but my experience proved to be very enlightening. Opon...
  17. K

    Parachanna Obscura

    Hows your arrowana?? Any pics of the full tank?
  18. K

    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    No offense taken... I can't believe this thread was ressurected. :crazy:
  19. K

    29 Gallon Seahorse Tank

    Exotic tank! I don't really like the backround though. But those seahorses... very nice!
  20. K

    My Coldwater

    how large is it?
  21. K

    My Severums.

    Cute face!
  22. K

    New Project

    *looks up in dictionary* :shifty:
  23. K

    Help With My New Discus

    young discus should be kept 6 or more, espcially in a large tank like that. 2 inches is quite small, so be sure to feed it high protein foods about 4-6 times a day so it can grow to its full potential. beefheart is the best for growing out discus... Do you have any substrate? If you dont than...
  24. K

    New Project

    looks great! cant wait to see it in a few months. What are your stocking plans?
  25. K

    Are These Discus Eggs?

    Eggs: They are reddish. and the infertile ones turn white. My neons don't touch it.
  26. K

    Pix Please

    yeah... The orange one is really jealous sometimes... The blue male you see switches his girfriends like underwear. :hey: Those two females fight all the time. It is like the show Elimi-date if you live in the US.
  27. K

    Discus Questions?

    1)From what I here UGF are outdated and are proved to be more unhealthy than healthy. 2)Neither (debatable) if you do not plan on keeping bottom feeders, then barebottom would be the cleanest way. But if you had to choose, I would choose sand because it looks the best.
  28. K

    Pix Please

    Laying eggs^^^
  29. K

    Do Discus Need Blackwater?

    C. Sterbai can withstand the high tempratures that discus require. and yeah... I wouldn't wanna go brackish LOL! As for the water, I use Discus Buffer by Seachem to lower the Ph to a comfortable 6.5 and it has essential discus minerals in it. Good luck on your tank!
  30. K

    New 90 Gallon Pic

    wow nice tank! Looks like a good discus tank too! :hey: are those plants real?
  31. K

    Discus Fry Questions

    Please correct me if I'm wrong. So the eggs hatch in 48 hours and become wrigglers (in this stage they live off their yolk sac) They start swimming after 72 hours, and that is where they start feeding off their parents. after 2 weeks removed parents before they start ripping scales off their...
  32. K

    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    Beefheart is a feeding regime resevered for growing out juveniles, not a staple for show tank discus. Growing out juveniles requires 6 feedings of beefheart per day. The food that falls to the bottom is not due to over feeding, rather discus are not fast eaters like angels, and they rarely for...
  33. K

    Random Fish From Andy

    Nice! Any full tank shots? Those are my favorite.
  34. K

    New 29 Gallon Tank

    lemme geuss, you got that center rock from petco? Haha I bought the same one when I set up a 29 gallon for my neighbor. :alien:
  35. K

    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    what the topic is about... bare bottom. The peices of heart would get stick in the gravel and cause lowered Ph alogn with a whole host of problems like Simon Brown has stated.
  36. K

    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    breeders feed discus beefheart, very dirty... that is why they use BB tanks.
  37. K

    This Is What Fish I Keep.

    sometimes I scare my parents saying "someday Your're going to come home and see the sofa gone and an arrowana tank there instead." :P I can't wait to get my own place so I can get myself a tank like yours!
  38. K

    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    haha. First of all I do not take offense to what anybody says. I think the world needs more tolerance and I take this as good feedback rather than negative crtisism. This why I join forums, not because I want to prove somthing, but to learn something. I agree with Wuv, that I also went BB to...
  39. K

    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    Yes... I was afraid the cories and loaches were going to be unhappy. I will try to find a home for them. :( . My breeding experience is just awful and I think I know why. I ask the LFS where I purchases the discus and they said that the breeder where they bought there discus has been...
  40. K

    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    yeah me too... :/ It's just that it is easier to clean and I dont have a lot of time to clean the tank. Also it is the best way to keep discuses hands down!