29 Gallon Seahorse Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
Haven't really been around here much lately. But I have started up a new tank about 2 months ago. 29 gallon with 25 lbs of lace rock, various macro algaes, red finger gorgonian, bullseye mushrooms, small fan worm, yellow clown goby and hi fin red banded goby, sand sifting starfish, some skalet reef hermits, nassarius snails and cerinth snails. Right now it has a Skilter Filter, but once the rock becomes live will get rid of that and just has a HOB Protien skimmer. Four H. Erectus Seahorses are coming at the end of the month. Plan on getting a pipe organ coral, lavender mushroom, green tube coral and a blue linkia star fish. Lighting is a combo of three different VHO bulbs made by corallife. Here's the pics:





Will post more pics when the SH's come.
Looking good. Id remove the background though. I prefer a plain sinle colour. ie blackor blue. Its a personal choice though. Is there any reason those macro;s are lined up at the front?
Maigi, I've nevr cared for the dull black or blue backgrounds, they're just boring to me. I have the marcos alongs the rock line so that the seahorses have room to swim around, because they like very high tanks, if the bottom was overrun with 4 inch macros, the tank height would then oonly 12 inches, when seahorses need at least 18 inches to thrive and be happy.
I could have swore you were going by "Ron" when I read this thread last night :blink:
Tank looks great, can't wait to see the horses!
I could have swore you were going by "Ron" when I read this thread last night :blink:
Tank looks great, can't wait to see the horses!

me too... musta had a name change.. or wuv and I are somehow both schizophrenic about the same thing, :eek:
No worries, I'm pretty sure the both of you aren't skizo...I think. Yes, I had a name change to my real name. No more Ron.
Yesterday I got my seahorses from a Pet store right outside of Milwaukee when I was down there for a teaching convention.
There's three- two are obviously females and the other is a toss-up. They were $40 a piece which is a great deal for tank bred seahorses. They are very active and eat a ton. I also got a green mandarin fish (which likes to hide in the rock work) and a green fan worm at the pet store. Here's the pictures:





Sorry about this pic being up side down.



'Shrooms and Fan worm:

Updated full tank shot:

I would love to hear your comments!
Its maturing. Itls looking good. Theres some good growth on the macro at the back, but it appears your macro at the front is beoing covered by brown algae.

Do you have any cleaner crew? And do you use RO (Reverse Osmosis) water?

Cerith snails, I have found, are best at eating most of my brown algae, associated with the use of tap water, and high levels of organics present in the water.

Your Gorgonian doesnt look at all healthy. Maybe make a new thread in the Coral Section showing both pictures of it before and now.
Agreed...that gorgonian looks completely closed. I'm not sure if that's brown algae on the ?shaving brush macro...or..is it browning out? Can you review the lighting? What are you feeding your gorgonian? SH
The gorg isn't out all the time. It does a full bloom about three times a week and at that time I feed it with Marine Snow and Cyclops Eeze.
Yes, brown algae is growing on the shaving brushes. The snails have no way of climing out to the 'brushes' without falling off so the algae stays on there.
5- Scarlet reef Hermits
10- Nassarius Snails
8- Cerith Snails
1- Sand Sifting Star
3- Peppermint shrimp

No, I don't use RO water, I have well water.

I have three different fluorescent bulbs over the tank. All made by Coral life. Total of 55 watts.

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