I Converted... To Barebottom!

A lot of my smaller breeding tanks are bare bottomed, the fish don't seem to mind one way or the other. When I first tried this concept, the glare off the bottom did seem to affect them, I got around this by painting the bottom of the tanks (outside underneath part of course). Might want to consider this option with your discus tank, I know they can be very susceptible to stress-related disease. I found that a nice coffee brown color works very well and looks more natural also. In my cory breeding tanks, I will add a small handful of gravel, just enough to give them something to root around in, it makes a difference.
wow i love ure pond and tanks but can i ask why did u change it to a bare bottom tank i mean no effence but it doesnt look very nice (this is just my opinion though dont tke effence)
Very nice tank. I have gone barebottom for my betta bowls and find it much easier to care for. But my 3 main aquariums are planted tanks, so barebottom is not such a great idea. Your's looks lovely, though.

Beautiful discus. :)
if we go back to the old way of keeping fish undergravel filters were the way to go with the only media being the substrate

so surely the substrate must how some good bacteria if it is layed thin

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