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    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    Ive kept a Black shark and a banded Leporinus together before the Leporinus was full size and the bs was about a foot long, the bs was the boss and really kept the Leporinus in check but they are opportunist fin nippers and he was able to nip the black shark a few times while he was resting...
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    Blue Shark?

    I totally agree with Garbage, the fish in question looks nothing like a harlequin shark. Here's mine
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    Bala Shark & Black Shark Question.

    Overstocking isnt an issue in the other guys tank they are old vids,he no longer has the tinfoils/bala's/and p bass in there its a shark/labeo tank now and there is plenty of room.
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    Bala Shark & Black Shark Question.

    Yeah that aquarium is deffinatley 180 US gallons ive seen it with my own eyes, Rick lives just down the road from me and that black shark is a monster! he's more like 24in now.
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    Big Barbs

    Ive got an adult black shark he's around 21in and has killed a fare few fish during his years but he will share a tank with certain fish you just have to choose them wisley.On the subject of big barbs why not try cigar sharks/mad barbs they grow big and are very easy to keep plus there a great...
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    Blue Shark?

    Great fish! but it isnt a black shark! (Labeo chrysophekadion) the body and mouth shape are all wrong to be a black shark, i dont know for sure but it looks to be a colour morph of a red tail/red fin shark or it could possibly be a white tailed shark.
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    Wholesalers Substitutes

    The barb in the first pic is a Drape-finned barb :good:
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    Anybody Kept This Fish Before...

    Yeah the Cigar shark, great fish! i keep one myself (below) he,s over a foot long
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    Sharks And Similar Shaped Fish Size List

    Harlequin shark (Labeo cyclorhynchus) are no way a schooling fish and they grow to over 1ft i know i kept one to 12in myself.
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    Red-Tailed and White-Tailed Shark

    If they are white tailed sharks at the shop then i would get one if i was you as true white tailed sharks are very rare!
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    Unknown Shark

    Funnily enough there called white tailed sharks :D not sure on the scientific name maybe Labeo Munensis they have the same general behaviour as redtail sharks and grow to the same size.
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    Feeding time for the bigger fish

    Great tank and pics :cool: Are the Chalceus agressive or fin nippers?
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    Cigar sharks

    No he means the cigar shark (Leptobarbus hooveni)sp i have one over 12in and there exellent aquarium fish for large tanks they can get to 24in and do as ive seen one there top/midddle water fish and are not aggressive. Here,s a pic of mine taken a while ago at about 12in
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    Why dont you try a flying fox there shark like in appearence and are relativley peacefull towards tankmates.
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    Black Shark

    How? fish cant smile you gimp.
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    big tank shots.

    How does the Opollo and Aro get on?
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    Black Shark

    Edurad2 if your in any dought of the growth of black sharks here,s mine at 20in, do you realy want one of these monsters? :D
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    BIG FISH!!!

    20in Black Shark 18in Giraffe cat 18in Clarius 12in Cigar Shark
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    black shark

    Nice one m8 black sharks are great i have a 20in one in a 4x2x2 tank and he,s ok but could do with some more room so i will be upgrading soon just be sure not to keep him with cichlids. Have you got any pics?
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    Cleaning filter...

    I think it depends on the size of the filter and the amount of waste your fish make eg keeping large fish,i usualy clean mine about every 4/6 weeks
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    Large Fish Tank Pics

    Is that Appolo sharks in your tank Paul, nice fish :thumbs:
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    My Red Oscars new tank mate :P

    Of topic, but hows your agressive Black shark doing Vip after his accident?
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    Pics of my brackish tank

    Thats a great tank, if i had a brackish tank thats the fish i would have aswell :thumbs: Btw you do know those shark cats will get massive dont you?
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    Tank pics and fish

    The Black Shark is housed in a 4x2x2 i know the tank length is not ideal but he,s in great condition with few tankmates and i will be upgrading to a 6x2x2 in a few months when i move house :thumbs:
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    Tank pics and fish

    XL Cigar shark
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    Tank pics and fish

    The last two pics from my collection XL Tinfoil barb
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    My Fish and Tank

    Nice tank, realy like the albino redfin :thumbs:
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    Bala Sharks are quite jumpy maybe he scratched/grazed it on something?
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    Tank pics and fish

    :D Hi vip you get everywere :P yeah read about the small Black Shark thats bad news :( And i hope your bad ass Black Shark gets back to fighting fit soon iam sure with his temper he'll pull through :D :thumbs:
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    Tank pics and fish

    18in Clarius cat
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    Tank pics and fish

    A few more pics, My 18in Giraffe cat
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    Hi all Iam new here i was recomended this site by a friend and it looks great, glad to be here. Waynemc
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    Tank pics and fish

    A rare Labiobarbus leptochielus
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    Tank pics and fish

    20in Black shark
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    Tank pics and fish

    Tank pic 2
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    Tank pics and fish

    Hi Here,s a few pics of my main tank and a few pics of my fish.