Tank pics and fish

Vip said:
Well well looks who is here :p How are you mate :) did you here about my little 8" shark? it was killed by the big one and my other 16" shark jumped and hit the ground hard and now he isnt moving but he is still alive.
:D Hi vip you get everywere :p yeah read about the small Black Shark thats bad news :( And i hope your bad ass Black Shark gets back to fighting fit soon iam sure with his temper he'll pull through :D :thumbs:
toggle said:
whats the size of your tank with the black shark in?
The Black Shark is housed in a 4x2x2 i know the tank length is not ideal but he,s in great condition with few tankmates and i will be upgrading to a 6x2x2 in a few months when i move house :thumbs:

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