Wholesalers Substitutes


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
hi all
as you may or may not know I work in a lfs,
I am privalaged to do the fish orders weekly
from time to time the wholesalers substitute some lines of what I order,
if they don't have them, like if I order orandas and they are out of stock
I get basic fantails, that I can live with....

....the following has driven me :S trying to find out what they really are!

(click thumbnails)
I Ordered Barbus hulstaerti butterfly barb

I got this; butterfly barb?

what is it?

Ordered Channa asiatica

got; snakehead

what is it?

ordered; Labeo ruddi silver labeo
but was sent this. *new* silver labeo

what is it?
i feel your pain, buddy. i work in an LFS as well. luckily, it's not up to me to do the orders... but i still have to deal with whatever comes in. :rolleyes:
Do they not provide you with information on the species of fish they are selling you?

That's a bit wrong isn't it?
Paul, they give the name but if they don't have that fish in stock they often send something else.
That is terrible. They should at least tell you what they are substituting with. What if you want to get more? What do you do say oh and send me more of what you substituted the (butterflies) with? You may not know what their requirements are not to mention how big they get.
Hi wolf...the snakeheads looks like Rainbow Snakeheads aka Channa Bleheri. They come in two forms 'Normal form' and 'Blue Forms' and BTW SHOOT THE PHOTOGRAPHER ! :lol: once you fatten them up they will be beautiful wolf. Mary :good:
It could be worse, at least you didnt get dyed fish as your sub (this time... groan)

In general yes you are given a name for the sub fish, not that it is likely to be all that correct! :rolleyes:
I think you should have a word with the manager of your store and match the pecto sale - £1 per gallon :D

I'm sure you'd get lots of customers
that first one looks like a tetra of some sort, :blink:
Hi Wolf

THe first picture is a Hi-fin or Sail-fin barb Oreichthys Sp probably Oreichthys casuatis.

The Labeos in the last picture are Violet blushing sharks (Labeo boga)
thanks MD you're a star :good:
i was offerd a sunday job in the LFS yesterday but doubt i`m going to take it up as essentially i would be working for free as the money i earn would just be hooverd up by the tax man. still very tempting though for the staff discount and for the joy of millions of fish.

we also went into a LFS near us we saw some tattooed fish no idea what they were but it was horrible, but they had a sign up saying "these fish were substituted for one of our orders"
so atleast you didn`t get them

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