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  1. R

    Tiny Moving Specks!

    I need urgent help on this one. I noticed what seemed to be dust on my entire tank hood and filter top, including all over the canister of food that was sitting on the back of the hood. I took a wet towel and wiped it off and much as I can when I noticed the specks were moving! It seems to be...
  2. R

    Itchy Cory

    I need some help with one of my corys. I've noticed above his mouth there seems to be something that looks as if he has grazed off his skin. HE also seems to be itching it by rubbing it against the gravel at times. I can't explain too well so I took some pics. Please help me by letting me know...
  3. R

    Betta Home Decor

    I found this lamp on a website the other day. Just thought I'd share with all my other crazy-about-bettas friends.
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    Penguin Biowheel 200

    I recently (about 2 weeks ago) purchased a Penguin Biowheel 200 Filter (Marineland) to replace my Aquaclear 50 but I have been experiencing a problem. At times all the water would empty from the filter and it would be making this clicking noise, I guess because its empty. After about a minute...
  5. R

    Need A Real Good Filter For 20g

    Hey guys, I have a 20g high stocked with about 7 corys and 3 livebearers. Right now (and for the past year) I'm running an Aqua Clear 50 Power Filter but it has started to leak somehow. I need to buy a new filter but I was there a better filter that I can buy, like maybe another...
  6. R

    Quick Yes Or No Survey

    Albino cory cats- Yes Platies- Yes swordtails- Yes pleco- yes neon tetra- no fancy guppies- no endlers- No female betta- NO
  7. R

    Lfs Said I Can But My Betta With My 5 Platies.

    I have one of my boys is the 20g listed in my signature, he chased and flared at the other fish for a little (he wasnt used to having other fish swim by him), then he settled and kept to himself. He's been there for over a week problems.
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    The Fishy Alphabet

    E for Endlers!
  9. R

    Places Where You Can Get A Gallon Jar.

    How do you get the fish in and out of this jar?
  10. R

    Betta In 20g Community

    I added one of my bettas to my community tank yesterday and watched for a while. The tank's occupants are swords, platys & corys. The betta would chase after any of the fish that swam by him and flare at them (even the corys). I figured it was because he was accustomed to being alone. He doesnt...
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    Places Where You Can Get A Gallon Jar.

    I agree...I did that once and the betta was very happy:
  12. R

    Tank Maintence

    I do a major clean about once every three months. Take everything out except the gravel and fish (sometimes I take the fish out too, about twice a year).
  13. R

    Show Me Your Car!

    Here's my 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland.
  14. R

    Betta In Community Tank?

    I have a 20g community and I need to get rid of one of my little betta tanks, so I was thinking of putting the betta in the community tank but he usually eats Bio-Gold pellets and I am wondering how will I feed him that with all the other fish around. :/
  15. R

    Betta Out Of Water

    Add some Stress Coat to replace whatever slime he's lost...along with the little salt.
  16. R

    Tubiflex Worms

    My bettas (infact all my fish) love them!
  17. R

    Betta In Community Tank?

    Does anyone here have a betta in a community tank? I was wondering how do you feed the betta?
  18. R

    Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets

    Does anyone use Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets to feed corys? I know its made for Carnivorous bottom feeders which I dont really think corys are (I could be wrong). Any experiences/ advice about feeding my 7 corys (3 Albino, 3 Sterbai & 1 Bronze) this product?
  19. R

    What Do You Do With Your Fry?

    I've had my first bunch of guppy and molly fry about a year ago. I kept them all and raised them. After that bunch, whenever I find fry (usually within a week after they're born) I feed them to my bettas. I know its cruel but I dont have room to raise them, besides, I'm trying to get rid of my...
  20. R


    I am so sorry I didnt realize it was so big..thought it was the same size as the other one... :crazy:
  21. R


    He's cute...looks like my eldest boy Midnite:
  22. R

    Can i see your tank set ups?

    Here are some pics of my boys in their homes: In this image you can see the 2 aquaviews and the 2.5g mini-bow. I've since changed the gravel in the aquaviews to blue marbles and the gravel in the 2.5 to river rocks. This is what the 2.5g looks like with the river rocks but its not divided...
  23. R

    How many bettas do you have?

    I have 8: 5 Crowntails: Starlite, Strabrite, Frosty, Sunshine & Flash 3 Veiltails: Rusty, Rufus & Midnite No plans on getting more...dont have enough time to take care of them by myself.
  24. R

    Tahitian Moon Sand & Corys

    I'm seriously considering switching my blue gravel to black Tahitian Moon sand. Does anyone with corys have that in their tank as substrate? Any good or bad experiences? My corys are my favorite fish and I want to do my research before making such a big change for them. The other fish might not...
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    How often do you do water changes on average?

    I usually do mine about 25% once a week or sometimes when I'm lazy I do a 50% once every two weeks.
  26. R

    Sand for 20g?

    I was thinking maybe 1 inch depth so maybe one 20lb bag. I hope it looks good because right now hubby doesnt want me to switch the gravel, he says I'll probably mess up the tank. I dont want him to be right.
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    Do you name your fish?

    I only named my 8 betta boys.
  28. R

    Sand for 20g?

    I guess I'm thinking of switching to sand for a more natural look and since I have 7 corys, they should love it. PS. I get bored easily and like changing around things in the tank.
  29. R

    Sand for 20g?

    Just to get an idea what the black sand will look like:
  30. R

    Sand for 20g?

    I just read the pinned topic about changing from gravel to sand and I was just wondering...I have a 20g high tank, how many lbs of sand would I need to buy? And do you think Tahitian Moon Black Sand or Moonlight White Aquarium Sand would look better in my tank? I've attached a current picture of...
  31. R

    Tubifex Worms

    I've been feeding Live Tubifex worms to both my community tank and my bettas for months now and thankfully they never got any disease. I think it depends on where you buy the worms from and how they cultured them. I buy my worms from a small lfs where the guy keeps them in a container with...
  32. R


    I'm not sure what their growth rate is but that particular one has been in the tank for almost a year...she started out the size of the albinos you see there. She was the only oen to survive my cory deaths I had at the beginning of summer. I could find the sterbais together alot but I rarely...
  33. R

    Your Very First Tank

    fish_newbie that 5g hex looks nice....too bad its empty now.
  34. R


    I feed twice a the mornings about 8:30 and evenings about 8:00.
  35. R

    Who has a tank at work/school

    I have a 1 gallon tank with a betta in it on my desk at work...the picture isnt that clear because I took it using my crummy camera phone.
  36. R

    My 20g Tank

    Thanks. They're fake...I really dont have enough time to dedicate to real plants. They dont stress the fish out at all. The corys love picking at them.
  37. R

    My 20g Tank

    Home Alone & Bored...took a few pics of my 20g community tank...what do you guys think?
  38. R

    Your Very First Tank

    Do you guys have pictures of your very first tank? I was browsing thru my old pics and found mine and thought it would be interesting to see all of your beginners tanks...Please post. Very First Setup (10g): After re-arranging and adding new plants: Edit: I dont have this tank up and...
  39. R


    Just did a waterchange and noticed all my corys are together so I decided to get some group shots since they're all usually at different corners of the tank: :wub:
  40. R

    Household Items

    I once used a pretzel jar to house a betta..held almost 1.5g... I also use a square strainer to rinse gravel.