Quick Yes Or No Survey


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
i have a male betta and want to give him tankmates. well the problem is that i hear different things regarding success with a whole bunch of different fish. i want people to give me a quick yes or no on the fish that can be put in with my male, this way i can get a general consensus of what i can put with him. even if you don't know for sure your input and opinion would help. thanks in advanced

And the fish are...

albino cory cat- yes or no

platties- yes or no

swordtails- yes or no

pleco- yes or no

neon tetra- yes or no

fancy guppies- yes or no

endlers- yes or no (i plan on getting some later on and keeping them seperate from the fancy guppies that i will get later as well- months from now)

female betta- yes or no (i think only for breeding)

other- _______________

well if there are others that you think would be good tank mates please put it in the blank space

thanks again for your input!!! :D
And the fish are...

albino cory cat- Yes
platties- Maybe
swordtails- Not sure about this one
pleco- yes
neon tetra- no
fancy guppies- no
endlers- Not sure about this one
female betta- NO I dont think u ready to breed bettas yet
other- Otos
Based on what I keep my betas with -

albino cory cat- yes
platties- no
swordtails- no
pleco- yes
neon tetra- no
fancy guppies- no
endlers- only females
female betta- no
other- Otos, whiptails
due to my expierence here is what is compatible

albino or any cory-yes
any pleco-yes
neon tetra-maybe if they are full grown at least 5 and you put the betta in with them when he is still young
fancy guppies-yes but needs more than one and a fairly large tank so the betta can have his territory
endlers-no idea
femal betta-no
other-otos, angels (sometimes) no gouramis
albino cory cat - Yes
platties - Maybe
swordtails - Maybe, but probably no
pleco - Yes
neon tetra - No
fancy guppies - No
endlers - Possibly yes, but no guarantees (worth a try)
female betta - No
other - Otos, khuli loaches, white clouds, African dwarf frogs, possibly peacock gudgeons... you can try basically anything that isn't nippy and has short-ish fins, but some bettas will take exception to brightly coloured tankmates.
I think the size of the tank and the tail type and disposition of the Betta are big factors.

I have a long tail in a cory tank with twenty-five oe more various cories and a good sized cockatoo male. They get on great. I have a Synirr PK Boy in a 100 usg community tank with sparkling and honey gouramis, scarlet dario darios, 4 coloneys of apistos, Cories, huge variety of Tetras, Breckfordi Pencils, Emperors, clown loach, ADFs... He is doing great.

But I had one boy go kamakazi on a school of Emerald catfish, and I had to remove him.
And the fish are...

albino cory cat- yes, but remember they like to school, something to consider if the tank is too small.
platties- maybe, if they are not the long-finned or really brightly colored variety. But they have different water requirements, I wouldn't.
swordtails- no, they get too big and have different water requirements like the platies
pleco- no, they get too large for most tanks, especially the common pleco. There are smaller variaties, but you would need to post in another section for more detailed information.
neon tetra- no, there are those who disagree, but they are too nippy for my taste and they are not great fish for a new tank.
fancy guppies- no
endlers- no, you could probably get away with females, but if what I hear about the rarity of true Endler's is true, I wouldn't keep this species in anything other than a small biotope with a small corydora, especially if you want to breed them to build up the captive population and continue a pure strain.
female betta- no

other- _Harlequin rasboras, Corydoras pygmaeus or habrosus, other small rasboras_
albino cory cat- yes

platties- yes

swordtails- yes

pleco- yes

neon tetra- no - too small and too colourful. Will be harassed or picked to death (almost certainly).

fancy guppies- no - too small and too colourful. Will be harassed or picked to death (almost certainly).

Endlers- no - too small and too colourful. Will be harassed or picked to death (almost certainly).

female betta- no - only for breeding

Basically - it's a huge risk putting a betta wtih anything smaller or same sized (than a betta) and very colourful or long flowing fins.
And you don't even have guarantees with the above. Just because it has been done, doesn't mean it will work for every betta :)

Other fish successfully kept with bettas : Bleeding Heart Tetras, Rummy Nose tetras & Mollies. Also loaches.
Albino cory cat - Yes, as long as the tank is big enough for a proper school of them.

Platties - Depends on the temperment of the Betta and the Platies. Some Bettas wouldn't like the bright colors, and some Platies can be nippy.

Swordtails- Once again, it depends on the temperment of the Betta and the Swordies. I wouldn't put them with male Swordtails, as they can get aggressive, but females might be okay.

Pleco - Yes

Neon Tetra - Probably no, as Neons can be nippy.

Fancy Guppies - Males, no. Females would most likely be fine, as they have duller colors, and the Betta probably wouldn't see them as a threat. If you have a very aggressive Betta, I wouldn't do it.

Endlers - They could possibly work, if you had a mellow Betta. They are pretty small fish, so you wouldn't want them being terrorized by the Betta.

Female Betta - No.
albino cory cat- yes (I also have other cories in there with my females--dwarf breeds and they do fine)

platties- yes (it's kinda a trial and error depending on tank size)

swordtails- no (I just see that tail as being such a target)

pleco- yes

neon tetra- no (waaaay too nippy)

fancy guppies- no (also can be nippy, I tried this and it drove my betta nuts)

endlers- perhaps...they are related to the guppy so...maybe

female betta- no

other- mystery snail, oto, dwarf frog, white clouds....of course these all depend on how much tank space you have for your betta and new betta-buddy!
Albino cory cats- Yes
Platies- Yes
swordtails- Yes
pleco- yes
neon tetra- no
fancy guppies- no
endlers- No
female betta- NO

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