Do you name your fish?

Do you name your fish?

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  • Yes, I name them all!!!

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2005
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Hey just wondrin' how close people are with their fish and if ur batty enough to name them cos I do! I love my fish to bits and name all the ones I can recognise. Starting to run out of names though... :D
Yes I know that my fish will get bigger.
And yes that have names.
High Fins- Angie and Brad
Serpae Tetras-SG-1
I only name a few of my fish as i have too many and my memory is not very good :*) ; my male betta is called "lupin" and one of my black khuli loachs who has had a torn tail for its whole life is called "biggles", my red cobra crossed male guppy is called "ember" and my male black tuxedo cross guppy is called "peacock"- other than most fish just get called what they are or just one of my unoriginal names i give them
i.e gold and black molly= "goldy". heh.
My wife names our bettas, usually after Chevy Chase characters in movies. Go figure. We have a Clark (Clark Griswold from the Vacation Movies). We had a Ty (from Caddyshack) but he jumped through a small hole in the hood while we were at work one day and died on the floor. The next one is already named and we don't even have him yet. He will be Fletch. As for the other tanks, it's kind of hard to name a tank full of tetras. They all look the same. I am surprised she hasn't named the angels as they are somewhat easy to tell apart although their stripes do seem to change from day to day.
Well, I did, but now my platy's just delivered her third bunch of fry I think invention is about to give out. Besides we may not be keeping them all.
I have named most of mine except the tetras as that would be a bit pointless I couldnt tell them apart!

I'm real original................

I have a goldfish called Goldie (my 5th pet called goldie Inc a rabbit and a gerbil now RIP!)
an Shubunkin called Shubu
a red cap called Red


But I do spend some time with the others I like Japanese or Native American and celtic names best!
Bearded Dragon - Mars

3 Dojo Loaches -Pluto, Hades, and Minerva

2 Bolivian Rams - Romulus and Remus

2 Keyhole Cichlids - Ops and Saturn

I name same and not others. It's pointless naming my tiger barbs becuase you can't tell them apart.
Ive only named a few of my fish havnt got round to naming them all yet. i will do when im bored LOL

Minnie - mickey mouse platy
Snoop - Peppered Cory
Nelly - Swordtail
Ali and Robyn - angel fish

I did have a guppy called Stanley but he died.

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