Sand for 20g?


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
I just read the pinned topic about changing from gravel to sand and I was just wondering...I have a 20g high tank, how many lbs of sand would I need to buy? And do you think Tahitian Moon Black Sand or Moonlight White Aquarium Sand would look better in my tank? I've attached a current picture of the tank. Looking forward to your ideas.

I guess I'm thinking of switching to sand for a more natural look and since I have 7 corys, they should love it.
PS. I get bored easily and like changing around things in the tank.
go for a lighter color such as hmm natural sand color lol
i changed my tank to sand & now i wish i hadn't, had nothing but trouble since & the sand gets bloody everywhere :grr: . but i used playsand so weather that is why i'm not so sure now :crazy: its that or i've put to much sand in :crazy: god i'm useless at times lol. but it will be fine till i get my bigger tank :hyper:
Normally I'd say go for the more natural colored sand, but you have a bright tank with a lot of color. I think black might actually work well to show off fish colors in there. As has been stated, avoid play sand. I'm convinced it's the main reason so many people think sand it harder to deal with than gravel.

25lbs. of sand would cover your 20H to a average depth of 1.5".
I was thinking maybe 1 inch depth so maybe one 20lb bag. I hope it looks good because right now hubby doesnt want me to switch the gravel, he says I'll probably mess up the tank. I dont want him to be right.
^^^ Sounds about right. I'm doing a 20 gallon long tank for shellies with black moon sand and using a 20 pound bag to get roughly an inch or so depth. As to messing up the tank, it's possible depending on how often you do(n't) clean the gravel and how long it's been established. I'd be more worried about messing with the water quality than anything else with lots of rotting food and waste in the gravel.

Should be okay if you remove the fish and then do a lot of water changes to clear the water once you do if it does cloud though. I've got sand in all of my tanks and it's great.
a 20 lb bag should do fine for that size tank. It looks like a pretty nice tank, can't wait to see it after you have it changed :)
If you have cories, I suggest going for play sand as it has rounded grains which are much gentler on the cory's barbles.

Black Moon sand looks lovely, but it is rather coarse.
I switched to playground sand and I love it. I've had absolutely no problems. No cloudiness or anything and my catfish love it!
i,ve never had any cloudiness with the playsand althou now worried as modernhamlet says its best to avoid playsand :crazy: i also have corys in my tank & they do appear to love the sand :D
I've got white sand in ym 20 gallon... My Dojo's love it, even my bettas play in it! It looks brilliant, but it is a pain to keep clean looking

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