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  1. Y

    This forum needs help.

    You have to understand that we are not going back to the past now. It is a past. Now is now. We all have to face today and for the future. The real hot topics we are dealing now is about Betta that sold in Walmart or LFS that been treated badly. We all cannot just ignoring this matter and hope...
  2. Y

    This forum needs help.

    You can't enjoy loving this forum anymore since the loving betta people are leaving this forum already. I tell ya. No more excitement now.
  3. Y

    My new girl tank!

    LOL You guys spoils my girls! LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: did you get some colorful lipstick too? Girls love that too. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  4. Y

    One of my babies

    100 is not bad at all. Remember the first time you only said around 50. LOL. You did a great job by the way for your first time. Letting the male takecare is great and easy. Listen to my advice are surely promissing. LOL :lol: You need to breed more now. I think you are doing great. :) I got...
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    What will happen if I am leaving here too? Who going to miss me? :blink: :blink: :blink:
  6. Y


    Should started at $38 a pair for express mail. :lol: Better check out who is the usa transhipper too. See which one closer to you too. :) Mine is Linda at Colorado and she just had a shipment to USA on july 4. :) (My bettas and a baby flowerhorn are in this shipment) If you know which one the...
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    My new girl tank!

    The tank looks great! Well, NEED MORE PLANTS!! LOL Since you want different colors, get more plants. :) The females are from different spawns. The red are more aggressive than the blue. LOL
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    Breeding.. Second Attempt!

    Someone in bettysplender also using this type of method living the dad to takecare the babies and have so much success. Now she had another spawn do the same too and doing great. I asked her is she continuing with this method and she said yes since she have no luck raising by her hand. This...
  9. Y

    One of my babies

    Wou, They looks great. Everyone going to get your babies now. Now I know why you didn't get any melano! You said the female is a green female. I thought it is a pair of copper melano. I don't think the female is the sibling of the copper melano. Anyway, if you breed the babies, sure you will get...
  10. Y

    Can Anyone tell me what kind of betta this is?

    If it looks like this, it is a mustard. LOL :lol: :rofl:
  11. Y

    Got some female betta's yesterday

    This kind of post is very easy to catch on fire. :lol: Strike a match and it will BOOM! :lol: :rofl: Watch out! :hey: I remind everybody! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  12. Y

    what is she

    Plakat do have strong big dorsal fins. That is why people using plakat to fixed their halfmoon betta to get a stronger dorsal fins to stand up. :) As for your plakat, they already been crossed over with different type of betta as what we can see and also different type of colors. In a true IBC...
  13. Y

    Feeding Blackworms as main diet

    Get aged water a full glass, put in a pot and add two or three dried indian almond leafs. Boil it until the boiling temperature and then turn if off. Let it cool off to room temperature. You sure get a thick yellow color in the water. Then you pour the solution in a few small plastic containers...
  14. Y

    HELP fish attack Baby tora in shreds

    As you know, we all really can't help you. LOL We all far away. So all you can do is saperate them and put him in medication until he growth back his tail back. It will takes a while and he will not be as beautiful as before. Since this incident happen, I have a big thought. As for this topic...
  15. Y

    what is she

    She does have a strong plakat gene as can be seen in her picture regarding all her fins. You can tell from the curve endtail too. One thing that is different is that she got crown spiking tail. If I am right, either one parent must have carried crowntail gene. :)
  16. Y

    Feeding Blackworms as main diet

    My new method is working now when feeding blackworm. Makesure wash aged water everyday to your blackworm. Then pick out how many you want to fed to the betta. Soak them in indian almond thick solution that is very yellowish for at least one to 4 hours. The longer the better can up to 12 hours or...
  17. Y

    what is she

    Hi. First of all, can you tell us what is the parent you breed with? How they look like. If you can't tell, take some pictures and show us the parent. Both mom and dad. Thanks. :) She is awesome anyway the girl. :)
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    Woke up a couple days ago to a strange sound

    I thought your girls in the tank screamed at you. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Wou! Uha. Now I see the whole picture. I didn't read that post because I was too busy and just sellecting what post to read when I can. Now it seems like she is totally quit. The pictures had been totally deleted by her as I can tell. -_- I have nothing to say and usually she do listen to me...
  20. Y

    Girls from Yeevia!

    Look at those girls!! Olala. They will be fine in the same tank because they growth up together. Did you notice the royalblue kind like have a mustard gene in her? She will be interesting to breed. :) Seahorse, is the red nipping at the blues one? If yes, I think you need to get another tank to...