Got some female betta's yesterday


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
We bought 4 female betta's yesterday, Lovely fish, They dont seem to like our male though, They swim away when he goes near them, The females puff there faces up at each other too, Is this normal??
Ummm... females in with a male? VERY bad idea. If he doesn't kioll them, or they don't kill each other, theres the possibility they'll breed and you'll end up with possibly 500+ babies.
LOL, not when you have to jar up every male, have a 40g growout tank and do daily waterchanges it isn't.
uhhh separate them immediatly! atleast the male and the females anyway
you should never spawn your bettas until your ready. Im not the one who likes to lecture ppl bout things so i'lljust let someones else do it. plus theres a sticky about these kinds of things for a reason :/
OK, I now feel pretty stupid :whistle: Be fore we set a tank up for the Male Betta, I wondered if I could put the females in on big tank with the following, I think I know what will be said but You dont know if you dont ask :p

3 cory's,
12 tetra's,
6 angel fish,
A balloon molly,
4 sucking loach
2 large plec's,
2 Feather fin cat fish,
Pim Pictus,
2 blind cave fish,
clown loach,
Bolivan Ram,
3 zebra loach,
Polkadot loach,
4 columbian tetras,
A deformed platty,
6 gourami's
and 2 rainbow fish
:blink: How large is your aquarium? Pangasius grow to be 3ft long... -_- And pim pictus do not belong with small fish unless they are just live food. I have a feeling that you are very overstocked.
This kind of post is very easy to catch on fire. :lol: Strike a match and it will BOOM! :lol: :rofl: Watch out! :hey: I remind everybody! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
3fsh said:
:blink: How large is your aquarium? Pangasius grow to be 3ft long... -_- And pim pictus do not belong with small fish unless they are just live food. I have a feeling that you are very overstocked.
Its a 50 gallon, I feel like I am looking more and more stupid by the second, Maybe I should just stick to the thing I am best at, Cars :S
Please, Before you buy any more fish. Or DO anything else for that matter. Look up each type of fish you have now. Write down these things for each fish:
Min. Tank space requirement, min, and max temps, what they get along with (or don't get along with) and PH desired. THEN Divide them up into the spares you accordingly.

This may seem like a lot, but it is necessary to make your fish happy/healthy.

I'll start you off whith the Betta's.

Males, must be kept ALONE. A gallon or more is optimal.
Females CAN be kept together. Groups of 4 or more, are recommended. In a 10 gallon or more. The tank should have many plants, or other hiding places. The girls should all be added at the same time, AND Watched for excessive aggression. You may get a Meanie, that needs to be kept alone. I think many of us have 1 of those. Males and females like temps in the high 70's to very low 80's, with a neutral pH. Even Females should not be kept with other types of fish.
All of these fish apart from 3 angels and the pangasius have been together for about 6 months in a smaller tank, At least half of the size that they are in now, We never had any problems, It was only about a week ago when we found out a pangasius grew as big as they do, We have had that about 4 months. The pet shops never told us anything about size, All they only told us if they were community fish or not. It was the same when we bought the female betta's on sunday, We didnt know what was what, The shop didnt tell us right from wrong. No more fish are getting bought now, The only new fish we will be getting are guppies due to at least 3 of ours being pregnant :sad:
Avinitlarge said:
The pet shops never told us anything about size, All they only told us if they were community fish or not.
A good thing to remember is that you can't count on pet shops to tell you information that might end up being very important for the welfare of your fish. You also can't always count on them to give you the correct information. I'm sure we've all made this mistake and gotten burned, so it's nothing to feel silly about, but a lesson to learn. ;)

Taking ManyFISH4Me's advice would be a great move in the right direction. Figure out what your fish need and find a way to meet that need. You may have to take some fish back to the pet shop (and hopefully get store credit for them,) but in the long run getting your stock in order will be the best thing for everyone. That way you'll get to enjoy watching your happy, healthy fish in their home for years to come :)

In the future, if you see a fish you like in the pet shop, the best course of action is to leave it right where it is until you research its needs and know whether or not it's something you can keep in your tank.

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