Feeding Blackworms as main diet

My new method is working now when feeding blackworm. Makesure wash aged water everyday to your blackworm. Then pick out how many you want to fed to the betta. Soak them in indian almond thick solution that is very yellowish for at least one to 4 hours. The longer the better can up to 12 hours or more. Then fed to your betta. So far mine is doing very well. That is my HOT tips for you and others here. Tells me is this work for you or not. I need people to do this experiment too with me to back up the conclusion using indian almond leaf. If it's working, then I can post a post in IBC regarding blackworm using natural resources than using chemical to kill the bacteria in the worms. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
What is the 'solution' of the IAL? Well I wash the blackworms everday and refill with spring water. I've been doing this for about 3-4 weeks already and so far there hasn't been anything wrong. I'll try your method if you can explain to me about the 'indian almond thick solution'. I have ALOT of IAL since my lfs sells 3 full leaves for 1 dollar :D
Get aged water a full glass, put in a pot and add two or three dried indian almond leafs. Boil it until the boiling temperature and then turn if off. Let it cool off to room temperature. You sure get a thick yellow color in the water. Then you pour the solution in a few small plastic containers and put them in the refrigerator. Yogurt plastic containers are great. Whenever you want to soak the blackworm, just dump them into the solution and wait. Yes, I put them into the refrigerator while soaking the blackworms. Soak time is at least one hours to four. You can soak them for 12 hours. The longer the better. :) ( that is why I like to know the statistic.)
You will see some slim too and don't fed that to your betta. Just the clean worm. You don't have to re-wash the worm again.:) Just using a bamboo barbeque skew stick and scoop them out to fed your betta. :)

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