This forum needs help.

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"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Wuv, feel free to lock or delete this if you find it necessary, but it's 3:30 AM and I'm feeling ranty.

I'm frustrated with the sour attitude this particular forum has taken on lately. Maybe it's the heat, maybe it's something in the water, but something needs to change. It seems to me like all anyone ever does anymore is complain (which is somewhat ironic, considering that I'm the one complaining now :p ). First everyone complains about the conditions at Walmart, then everyone complains about not being able to complain about the conditions at Walmart... it just never ends! By this point I should think that we're all aware the conditions are bad, and we all know the appropriate way to deal with it. I know many of you think we should be able to talk about it here, but I also know that a lot of us are sick of hearing the same thing every single day. It's like sensationalist news, where they recycle the same story every hour without actually giving you any new information.

What has made this forum less enjoyable for me is not the fact that we're "afraid" to talk about whatever we want anymore (which is a comment I've seen in several threads,) but the fact that we don't seem to be able to move past that. Everyone already knows how bad conditions at certain stores are, so why must we discuss it over and over again? It's not like anything new is ever said on the subject, is it? We need to push past this group mentality and understand that whatever we want to say can be said as long as we're not just wasting breath and webspace, and as long as we can express our opinions in a civil, respectful manner.

For the record, this isn't directed at any one person and I beg all of you not to take it personally, like it seems somebody always does. I'm just trying to express my opinion because I'm sleep deprived and crazy things happen to my brain in the wee hours of the morning.
Synirr, what are two Texans like us doing up at this hour anyway? :crazy:
Allie said:
Synirr, what are two Texans like us doing up at this hour anyway? :crazy:
Apparently reading TFF :lol:
I've noticed its not as fun on here as it used to be, hence I don't come on very often anymore :/
yeah i love this forum but i am a little sick of not being able to say anyhting without being challenged or shouted at for my isnt everyone.mabe 1 or 2 others spoiling it for me,but i still love the forum :D :D
What I've noticed is that there are hardly any of the older members on anymore like when I first joined. A lot of the members now in the betta section are names I dont recognize. While it's great to have new members who also love bettas I miss all the older betta members :-( They had a lot to contribute a lot of useful information. Lately now it's wal-mart stories and betta rescue stories. Sure it's nice to hear those once in awhile but not every other post. I'm not trying to pick on any one person either so please dont be upset :*)
You can't enjoy loving this forum anymore since the loving betta people are leaving this forum already. I tell ya. No more excitement now.
I have to agree, I originaly sighed on back in 2002 or 2003 I believe and it was MUCH different then. Many members are no longer here and there seems to be more challanges between hobbiest than there is fun? I myself only visit once in awhile now do to time and lack of wanting to hear/see the ignorance that at times appears. Please fishies friends don't take it personal but this is true. Hopefully my comment wil not start a flame war as they have in the past. I still enjoy the forum but must say NOT as much as I did a few years ago? So I agree some changes need to come about.
You have to understand that we are not going back to the past now. It is a past. Now is now. We all have to face today and for the future. The real hot topics we are dealing now is about Betta that sold in Walmart or LFS that been treated badly. We all cannot just ignoring this matter and hope it will dissapear. Human is the one who done all this if we all really wants to pin point the fault. If we not stand up to teach the youngs once on the right path, we all will not gonna fixed this matter in a while. As you know, here do have a lot of children and I hate to see giving out wrong informations. Please be more humanity and do treat betta as precious as gem too.
I don't have much to say as I signed up several months ago....I feel it's changed a lot since I've been here. I had actually signed up much sooner than I posted, I was afraid to post then, and am still weirded out by it now somewhat. I never know if what I'll say will be precieved as something it's not, etc. -_-
This is a very odd forum indeed - people are very edgy here and very cliquey. Even though I have Bettas myself, I'm am very hesitant to post here because of the offence so easily taken, and attacks so readily dealt. I'm fed up with the attitude too and have already posted my views on Aggression & Expression.

Yeah I might be 31 years old, but not all that long ago I was a child too - and I would have never spoken to anyone in the manner some are here. Whether my peers, younger or older. Age is supposed to be irrelivant but it's clearly not.

What more is there to say really :dunno:
bloozoo2 said:
This is a very odd forum indeed - people are very edgy here and very cliquey. Even though I have Bettas myself, I'm am very hesitant to post here because of the offence so easily taken, and attacks so readily dealt. I'm fed up with the attitude too and have already posted my views on Aggression & Expression.

Yeah I might be 31 years old, but not all that long ago I was a child too - and I would have never spoken to anyone in the manner some are here. Whether my peers, younger or older. Age is supposed to be irrelivant but it's clearly not.

What more is there to say really :dunno:
I came from a small town community...heck, still am. I hate cliques, as that was the majority of the school. A grouping here, there, and there. I was part of a 'group' but wasn't part OF it, so to say. I had oh...about 3 friends from my highschool...I wasn't popular. I was a bookworm and artist, I would talk a lot when around people I was comfortable with, but if you had a 'popular' person talk to me, I was clammed up like chowder. *haha*
I'm old enough to know clothes and fashion, drinking and pot smoking, weren't going to get me too far...*tho as a cosmetologist I must look good, but I can more afford 'nicer' things now I've found Kohls :p*
I don't like the separation that I see here, granted, younger people don't much give a cr*p on what older ones think....I've grown up to be respectful, or else I'd get my butt paddled. :crazy: I find myself more easily talkitive to someone my senior than someone my junior...I guess because how my mum raised me. I can get along with both, but too much immaturity makes my head ache.
I have one forum I got to, unless you act really stupid and want to get tattoos and piercings underage, etc. and whine and complain about it, you aren't tolerated *it's a tattoo/piercing form I've been a memeber of since I was 17* that's the only forum I go to that I know I'm very welcomed at. I wish I could feel more that way here. :unsure: I love reading some of the posts, finding out new information on sickness, etc. Or reading up on some peoples 'spawn diaries' I guess I'm a better 'lurker' than a 'poster'. -_-
jols said:
I've grown up to be respectful, or else I'd get my butt paddled. :crazy:

Ah those fond memories ! :lol: Those are my thoughts exactly - we sound like twins ! :lol:
I don't think there is anything wrong with this forum itself, just the betta section. I know i don't post often here, but out of all the sections on this forum, this one is by far the most bad tempered.
I know that many people here who get angry alot at newb betta owners doing stupid things always say they only get angry because there are so many of them doing the same mistakes every week and it gets fustrating, but that doesn't change the fact that if you know you are only going to get mad, don't post at all and just let somone else with a less hot head handle it.
On the livebearer section we get god knows how many "my platy/guppy is pregnant, how long has she got left till birth" or "can i keep a guppy in a 1gallon tank" sort of threads- i know if i answered them all i'd get pretty angry/fustrated, so i don't and i just let somone else handle the thread. The best thing you can do is patiently educate others so that when you are too irretated or tired to handle a thread, they can come in and handle it for you :nod: .

As to the rescue betta and walmart threads, its mainly why i don't come on often here. If you save a betta, great, well done to you, but try not to just save a betta so you can do your own thread about saving one as that is what it seems to me half the time.
Everytime i donate money to a charity i don't tell the whole world about it, the same goes if i saved a guppy- if i told everyone everytime i saved a guppy i would've done about 20 threads by now and im sure people would start to get realy tired of them.
The same goes for Walmart threads, everybody here knows how bad the store is and everytime you rant about walmart you aern't stating anything new or productive, its not like they are walmart threads anymore its more like they are just rant threads now days- hm, maybe we should should make a walmart/rant section of the forum for people to go to, ah, actually then again there would probably be no one here if that was done :rolleyes: .
I guess what i am trying to say like many others here, is instead of just ranting about walmart and bragging about saving bettas all the time, try to put more of your energy into making this a more varied section :thumbs: .
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