My new girl tank!


Apr 26, 2005
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Kenowhere WI
Okay, so I set up my tank for my girls I'm getting from Yeevia, and I think it's looking good, so here it is.






Whatchathink? :)

Yeevia, think your girls will approve? :lol:
Very nice, I LOVE the pot.

How many girls will be in there?

The only thing is, I would add more plants. Unless they are all sisters and from the same spawn. I have uhh *counts* 14, and I am so glad that I planted a jungle in there :p They love exploring and if things get fiesty they can hide easily.
I bet they're going to love hiding in that pot! :)
The tank looks great! Well, NEED MORE PLANTS!! LOL Since you want different colors, get more plants. :) The females are from different spawns. The red are more aggressive than the blue. LOL
I have been lucky. I have about 25 females in 2 tanks, and they are from 6 diff. places/people. I have plakat, Ct, Dt, delta, super delta, and HM, all together. I only have 1 female that doesn't get along with anyone. I got her from PETCO.
I even got 2 steel (?), a red, a red/gold, a celo, and 4 cambo girls from Yeevia. They all get along fine. I do have them split up, by size. Big girls in the 20 long, smaller ones in a 10.
That is bright and colorful. I've never liked the flourescent colored fish paraphinalia that they sell..but that actually looks very nice. I wouldn't have ever thought it would look so nice...but put all together with some likely colored gravel looks fantastic.

I bet those girls will love it to bits. May even make them stayed colored up alot...put them in a "festive" mood lol ;)
:) Thanks all, I got the neon cave from walmart, then I went to petco and saw the pot, i was like wow, a matching set! HA! And yes, I like colors, bright colors very lively things :)

And with the plants, I plan on getting more, I even have some bulbs growing in there, so I will eventualy have even more, I plan to go plant shopping today or tomorrow, our petco didn't have the greatest ones, and I wouldn't trust a walmart plant for anything. Sooo.. I'm either going to petsmart and/or our mega fish shop :D trust me I'm not 100% done cultivating the plantage yet hehe
Yep, we're heading down to Petsmart later (so I can get my Yeevia girlies their own tank) and to get some more plants. Our girls are going to be so spoiled! I can't wait to get them this week, Yeevia!!!
I like it :) Cute lil figurines too for that matter :)
As much as I sometimes dislike the neon caves, I love them just as much...I like bright and happy colors :p
I did indeed get more plants, and taller ones, it's quite bushy in there now, it's a betta girly heaven :) my little catfish seem to like it
:lol: In my girls from Yeevia, the blue are the bullies (still get along great though) and the red ones are so laid back. Fat and happy :D
LOL You guys spoils my girls! LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: did you get some colorful lipstick too? Girls love that too. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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