Woke up a couple days ago to a strange sound


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
Woke up and came out in the living room and heard a strange sound coming from my girls 10 gal. The sound was silence. No trickling water. :eek: The filter had quit moving water. :crazy: It was still running, but not moving any water so I'm guessing the impeller got stuck somehow. Well, I tapped it and shook it a couple times and luckly it started pumping agian. :clap: I don't have any spares and can't really afford to get a new one atm. Just tested the ammonia today and it is at 0 so I'm hoping it didn't kill off the bacteria. Will have to keep testing over the next week to make sure.
Hopefully it is okay! That happened to me last night as well, not sure why, brand new filter! I had a backup though and it was off for maybe 3 minutes.
yeevia- :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Maybe that's what got my attention first. "Hey you!!!!! Yea you! The big guy with the food!!!! Hey!! There ain't no water comin' outa there anymore!!!!! Hey!! You might want to fix that!" Hey, I talk to them enough, maybe they picked up a few words from me :unsure: .
You might actaully want to take the filter apart then and wash the impeller properly. If there is gunk stuck around it, it won't be able to turn properly - it will heat up and burn out :crazy:
it's so simple to just give things a good clean instead of having to buy a new filter :)
This happened to me once, and I panicked. My computer was under maintenance, but if it wasnt, you guys here could have jus told me to shake it, or hit it, but I took that thing apart, called customer service for aquaria, and racked up a huge phone bill, and they sent me a free impellor, because the filter was under warranty and we agreed that was what went bad. Well, I'l be darned, I came on here on my sis's computer, and you guys told me to poke the impellor with a chopstick, hit it and shake it, and t worked! So, now I have a backup impellor.

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