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  1. Westwood

    Heater Advice Please.

    If you are getting a external filter it may be good to look at external heaters. Similarly with a undergravel heater, as these do better in larger aquariums.
  2. Westwood

    Best Way To Get Rid Of Snails?

    Squish them!(I'm Evil i know) But apparently if you put a piece of lettuce in the tank on the evening, and if you lift it out in the morning, they should all be on the lettuce. Its worth a try!
  3. Westwood

    Angel Fish Have Spawned!

    Thank you for all the Information, from what I gather it is very similar to firemouths I have once breed. I think the best option is to separate the eggs and try and grow them out. I have a small 25l that I will use for the time being, should I place the airstone so the flow is very close to the...
  4. Westwood

    Angel Fish Have Spawned!

    Hi all, Have got back from work today with a surprise off my angel fish. I have little golden colored eggs. Here is dad with the eggs. Unfortunately they are in a community tank, and i am now faced with a decision: - Remove the eggs after a 24 hour period being with adults. - Remove...
  5. Westwood

    Yep... Another Stocking Thread

    I have breed firemouths, really fun to watch there colour develop, especially the "beards"!
  6. Westwood

    Is My Guppy Male Or Female?

    The fish in the pic is a male!
  7. Westwood

    Quick Response Needed!

    Apparently cardinals don't do too well in a brand new tank. Maby somebody can clarify this?
  8. Westwood

    Id Please

    I know yes about the macmasteri, and i know the male.
  9. Westwood

    Id Please

    Hi all, not so long ago I brought a pair of viejita apistos, but looking at more pictures of the pair online and the females do not look the same. After this I brought a second female, this looks like a genuine female, but I am after a I'd for the older female Thanks Westwood
  10. Westwood

    Before And After!

    I do want to add a back ground, but i think i want a black or grey one. But i'm not sure any ideas?
  11. Westwood

    There Here ! Now With Pics :)

    Congratulations. Did you get them off eBay?
  12. Westwood


    I sink mine with a lead weight, like the ones that come round plants.
  13. Westwood

    Sand Or Gravel? Advice? :) Taa

    Sand! Looks better and corys prefer it!
  14. Westwood

    Before And After!

    Hi all, I stumbled upon some pictures of my tank a few months ago, and was surprised how much it had changed! So i through it would be a good idea to get a collection of before and after pictures of everyones progress. So please blow the dust off your old pictures and upload them! Before -...
  15. Westwood

    Angels Gill Problem (Pics)

    Ok will do. :good: Thanks again!
  16. Westwood

    Angels Gill Problem (Pics)

    Thanks! :good: Just what i wanted to here! Is there any way this can be healed? Thanks again Westwood
  17. Westwood

    Angels Gill Problem (Pics)

    I have only had the fish since sunday. She has no problems breathing. If the gill fillaments are the clear parts inside, yes they all look ok.
  18. Westwood

    Angels Gill Problem (Pics)

    Its on the left hand side, its not really a hole, more of a chunk missing. I know she is, it was as they were in my lfs in a foot long tank, :huh: and the male was ready to breed but she wasn't. -_- Hope fully she is on the road to repair, as they are now grooming each other. :wub:
  19. Westwood

    Angels Gill Problem (Pics)

    I recently acquired a breeding pair of angel fish, But i have noticed The female has a hole in her gill. Problem side :unsure: Her good side :rolleyes: I have tried searching on the internet, to see if there is a problem, But no luck. :huh: She breaths fine, and eats fine. Bubbles of air...
  20. Westwood


    What fish do you have in the tank, This may help? PS, I have no idea!
  21. Westwood

    Sexing Fish

    +1 for above, females have the black stripe on there pelvic fin, and pinker bellys.
  22. Westwood

    Lead Weights?

    i have used them all the time and loose them in the sand, so it'd fine
  23. Westwood

    Mature Media

    You probably know, but keep the media wet! :good:
  24. Westwood

    Tap Water Conditioner

    Thanks for the input, i have just orderd myself a 500ml bottle, should last a while. :good:
  25. Westwood

    Tap Water Conditioner

    Hi all, i know this is a bit of a stupid question :lol: , but how and which tap water conditioner do you use? I have for all my years, just been leaving water to sit in buckets and never had a problem. But now i have acquired a breeding pair of angel fish, so i will be doing lots of water...
  26. Westwood

    Bacteria Bloom?...

    Sounds like to me the fish shop just wanted to make some money. Best option is to buy a liquid based test kit, and test the water your self. For help look at THIS Don't add any more fish yet, it will be about a month until the tank is suitable. Hope that helps, Sorry for your loss.
  27. Westwood


    Black widow tetra is a favorite of mine. But may be too small?
  28. Westwood

    Anyone Got Experience With Bolivian Rams And Kribensis In The Same Tan

    Should be no problem with apistos and rams, as long as you have the tank space and has may hiding spots.
  29. Westwood

    What New Fish To Get Hmmmmm.....

    kribs and angelfish will fight, but if in a larger tank you can usually get away with it. It is due to the kribs being from Africa and angels from south america, so they have different lateral lines.
  30. Westwood

    Any Recommendations?

    A 72.9cm by 44.9cm tank? :lol: Bigger the better!
  31. Westwood

    What New Fish To Get Hmmmmm.....

    If adding more angels, be very careful with your existing angel they will most probably fight! As for your stocking, it does seem quite full, but i don't know. Also for the filter, i would say that is plenty!
  32. Westwood

    What New Fish To Get Hmmmmm.....

    Wow, I nearly had a heart attack then I read all those fish, and then only read 30 liter! But on fish, I'm not sure, I wouldn't add anymore cichlids, as you have African and American cichlids in there which don't go together to well. But you could add more bristle nose?
  33. Westwood

    Has Anyone Owned These Fish?

    Few pics of my young viejta, been in the tank 2 days, and still got to develop colour especially the female!
  34. Westwood

    Has Anyone Owned These Fish?

    I have the viejita, haven't had them long but they are reply nice fish they are very peaceful but I only have them with tetras and some large shrimp. They are quite active she them at both ends of the tank regularly. I'm very pleased with them. Sorry I haven't got too much information, as I...
  35. Westwood

    New Setup!

    You could keep a a pair of firemouth, and a pair of severum, i have kept them together, and had no issues. Sucker fish are ace, got my breeding pair of bristle nose, there brilliant! :good:
  36. Westwood

    Fish Itching, And Dying :(

    Hi thanks for the advice, i was planning on getting back tonight to do a water change, but as it happens i decided to slip on a manhole cover on my motorbike, so my wrist is out of action for the night. I shall retest water now, but i can't do a water change. The fish do seemed to have stopped...
  37. Westwood

    New Setup!

    Pair of firemouths? Convicts? With some ditherers and plecs?
  38. Westwood

    Fish Itching, And Dying :(

    I did a retest, it turned out to be back at the usual 6.5. Should i do another? First sample must have got contaminated.
  39. Westwood

    Fish Itching, And Dying :(

    Ammonia 0 PH usually 6.5 but the sample has turned Blue? which would be off my scale and about 10? :sad: :sad: :sad: Nitrite 0.3mg/l nitrate 80mg/l Test kit used is a Nutrafin test mini master test kit (liquid based) Edit: retested ph is 6.5, false test. :unsure:
  40. Westwood

    Fish Itching, And Dying :(

    I Hope so just testing the water :sad: