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  1. George Farmer


    12000K is fine. 10 hours photoperiod is fine. 16 is too much.
  2. George Farmer

    Light Choices.

  3. George Farmer

    Your Favourite

    My favourite changes every week or so. I'm liking Pogostemon helferi at the moment...
  4. downoi_cropped.JPG


  5. George Farmer

    Letter In Pfk, 'experts' Ignore Oscar In 125 Litre Tank

    Most of the PFK Ask the Expert answers are heavily edited, as Mr Miagi suggests, because of limited space. I know, as I write some of the replies (planted only). Human error may lead to some apparently important points being left out in the editing process.
  6. George Farmer

    New 33 Us Gallon (125 Litre) Tank

    Great to see a nice tank in a primary school. Hopefully it will inspire some young fishkeepers. Well done!
  7. George Farmer

    All Hail The Nerite Snail

    Their only downside is they can lay eggs that look unsightly and are almost impossible to remove from decor.
  8. George Farmer

    My Latest Aquascape

    I've been busy...
  9. George Farmer

    Plant Id Please

    Looks like a very bare Eustaralis stellata.
  10. George Farmer

    Light To Play With

    Same light qty. and tank size as my 120cm tank. Almost 4wpg T5 is high light. You'll need good a CO2 system - pressurized is essential and regular fert dosing, inc. NPK. Plant very heavily or you'll be growing more algae than plants. I have 8 hours on full blast, but that's because my old...
  11. George Farmer

    Video A Little Video Of The 900 Gallon

    Superb, Dean. Even the aquascape is nice... :D
  12. George Farmer

    Planted Aquascape

    Now there's a blast from the past! This is the very same tank, three and half years on...
  13. George Farmer

    Tank Of The Month

    BTT talks sense. APC do this also.
  14. George Farmer

    Tank Of The Month

    The main problem is cheating. Public votes are almost impossible to prevent potential false results i.e. registering numerous usernames to vote. A panel of judges would be better. Different categories may work well - but deciding on the boundaries etc. will likely cause issues i.e what...
  15. George Farmer

    "green" Crypt Wendtii Is...

    Crypts do their own thing, depending on what conditions they're kept in. Sounds like yours are fine. Personally I love brown crypts.
  16. George Farmer

    What Is Easier Hc Or Glosso

    Glosso requires more light and CO2, so with these in place, it is much 'easier' than HC. HC is a relatively slow grower that does best in a nutrient-rich substrate and water column. Best for established tanks.
  17. George Farmer

    Can Plants Live With Out Co2

    Many plants do fine without CO2 injection. Growth is typically 10x slower.
  18. George Farmer

    New 4' Low Tech Planted Tank

    Consider splitting up the bunches of foreground plants into individual plantlets. You'll carpet much much quicker.
  19. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    About 2 days. I was on a shop tour with PFK deputy editor and I came up with the idea then. I read a few articles on CGs and luckily enough an LFS had some in. As the blog says, I originally wanted an Amazon biotope with Apistos, but with the Sumatra wood and Indian almond leaves, a SE Asian...
  20. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    Hey Fred, Fast growth of the floating plants for rapid nutrient uptake i.e. better water quality. Check out the PFK blog.
  21. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    Lighting is 2 x 18w T8 6500K with reflectors. It is supposed to look like that. I deliberately underexposed the photos too.
  22. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    If you're serious about a biotope then this may interest you -;id=21&pg=0 Cryptocoryne, Blyxa and Eleocharis would be suitable. Trouble is, in a blackwater biotope, you need intense light for submerged growth. This is why I've stuck to floating...
  23. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    Thanks everyone. Thanks, Andy. I'd like to try a fast flowing stream next. I don't want to give too much away... There should be a blog about this CG tank on the PFK site today sometime. I'd like to feature these biotopes in the mag too. We'll see.
  24. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    No. It's a tank dedicated to these lovely little fish. I'm going to be doing more of these biotope/species tanks. They're so much less hassle than hi-tech planted yet they are very attractive, on a different level.
  25. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    Thanks. Four fish. Tank is 60x30x30cm.
  26. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    Thanks all. I'm not deliberately trying to breed. I've always liked CGs so ceased the opportunity to do them justice. Look out for a blog on the PFK site next Monday (14th Jan 08), detailing why and how I set it up... Cheers.
  27. George Farmer

    Some Marine Stuff

    Me too mate. If you look at my biotope thread on here - that's about 100 shots to get those... I'm a Canon man now. The D80 is nice though. Cool video BTW. That's some swimming action!
  28. George Farmer

    Some Marine Stuff

    Nice shots, Andy. What camera you using?
  29. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Biotope

    I thought I'd try my hand at a blackwater biotope for chocolate gouramis, Sphaerichthys osphromenoides. Sumatra wood and Indian almond leaves. Tank is 60x30x30cm. Small internal set filter to low output. Various floating plants. There's some Amazon frogbit that will be removed once the...
  30. George Farmer

    Discus In Planted Tanks With Ei

    Tom Barr set up a 6000 litre with discus and altum angels using EI. NO3 via an inorganic chemical (KNO3) is safer than NO3 produced via the nitrogen cycle. Tom has proven this.
  31. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Newbie

    Yes, the Rutland branch though, not Peterborough. Nice store actually. They weren't for sale though, as they were looking poorly. They soon perked up in my tank though. If you mention me to the manager, John, then he may be able to help you. I think he may sell them but without a livestock...
  32. George Farmer

    Chocolate Gourami Newbie

    I've set up a biotope aquarium for four chocolate gouramis. Here are three of them - I understand these fish are relatively difficult but have done some research, of course. Tank size - 60x30x30cm (24x12x12") - approx 50 litres. Water is RO, pH is around 6, temp 29C/85F. Substrate is...
  33. George Farmer

    Glossotigma Elatanoides - Requirements

    Should be fine. You may to dose NPK if your NO3 and PO4 are low. Take time to plant individual plantlets, rather than sprigs with numerous plants. You should see a full carpet in 3 to 4 weeks. Decent tweezers are an essential.
  34. George Farmer

    Ada Aqua Soil

    Nice post.
  35. George Farmer

    A D A 2007 Winner's Video And Others Underplanted and odd fish selection for the 2007 world's best aquascape IMHO. No sour grapes, of course! I placed 775th... Others -
  36. George Farmer

    Juwel Rio 125

    Thanks again, everyone! My 2 year-old doesn't seem fussed by the hoses etc., thankfully. She does help with water changes, ferts and fish food though, which is cool. I have taped the heater dial in position (26C). Thanks llj. Nice to hear from you. I hope you are well. Thanks mate...
  37. George Farmer

    Juwel Rio 125

    Thanks, everyone! Ha ha. Yes, the only Juwel bits left are the glass and cabinet. You can see stocking in this blog - Your proposed lighting sounds fine for most plants. CO2 will improve things. Thanks. The foreground cover is...
  38. George Farmer

    Juwel Rio 125

    I’ve been covering this aquascape’s progress from scratch, week-by-week, on the PFK blogs. Tank – Juwel Rio 125 with hood and brace removed (80 x 35 x 45cm) Filter – TetraTec EX 1200, ADA Clear Hose, Aquatic Magic lily pipes...
  39. George Farmer

    What Do You Think Of This?

    It's a good book. A bit too 'hippy'? No way.
  40. George Farmer

    Johns 450ltr (110 Gals) Journal

    Looking good, John. Dave is right. Try to figure out that camera... Merry Christmas!