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  1. G

    Oranda's Head

    How old is the fish? Can you post a pic? Is the redness looking like blood or inflammation or just a reddish color change? If you've kept goldfish for very long, you will know that they are prone to changing their colors quite regularly and often look nothing like they did even a year before...
  2. G

    Fish Problems

    What about the hydra? Did you look at the pictures and links I posted?
  3. G

    Thinking About A Pond

    Wow... whoever did that should be strung up! LOL Well, in that case, you should seal off all the openings to any pre-existing plumbing and you would have to add a large enough external filter system. The fact that it's in the ground and 5' deep would help make it better for overwintering...
  4. G

    Algae Shrimp.

    Considering the fish you have in your 125, cherry shrimp would likely become snacks. Even the amano's may succumb to a hungry fish eventually. Since your tank is large, you should probably look at a pleco which would be able to handle the algae on that large of a tank where you would need lots...
  5. G

    Sick Albino Catfish

    What size pond? Where do you live? What are the winters like? Overwintering fish in a pond is a very delicate procedure and the pond and fish should be prepared for the overwintering process. While goldfish and Koi can overwinter, I don't think it's very healthy for your catfish. Many...
  6. G

    Thinking About A Pond

    Actually, the hot tub should have a pump, filter system and plumbing, etc. All you would have to do is get a rebuilt water pump, close off all the air bubble valves and run the plumbing to a larger filter system to replace the smaller one that is probably on it. It should have a bottom drain...
  7. G

    Ghost Shrimp Turning White

    I know you're in Canada but always check online prices and print the page as the stores will match the online pricing... at least they do down here in the USA.
  8. G

    Algae Shrimp.

    What kind of shrimp? There are a few varieties that are sold as algae eaters and some other that are sold as algae eaters that don't eat algae. Two of the most common are Amano shrimp and Cherry shrimp. Depending on how much algae you have, I don't think 5 would take care of a 125G tank.
  9. G

    Getting A Pond

    6'x4'x (avg.)2'deep = 369 gallons. Have you looked at available filter systems in your area. It would be better to see what's available and then post the brands to see what folks experience have been. My three ponds were all mini-ponds (like yours... under 1,000 G each) and all I had was DIY...
  10. G

    New Pond

    Looks good. The only change I would have made in the construction was adding a berm around the perimeter of the pond so it did not get run-off from the surrounding garden area. It looks like the rest of the garden area is a little higher than the edge of the pond which means rain will wash...
  11. G

    Terrace Pond

    Depending on your climate, a couple of goldfish or a bunch of smaller fish like WCMM's. Can you post a pic or link?
  12. G

    Good Book/rescource For Pond Building?

    Go to my blog and click on the DIY Pond links on the right side and I have links to several FREE downloadable eBooks that give lots of good info on building your own pond as well as links to other good info for pond keepers. The main concern for most people is overwintering so you need to...
  13. G

    Getting A Pond

    If you are going to have a good filter system, you could go as low as 50G per fish but 100G would be better. Depending on your winter temperatures and frost zone, your pond would have to be deep enough so the fish can overwinter in the pond unless you plan on bringing them in for the winter...
  14. G

    Community Tanks

    You might want to be more specific about the crabs, crawfish and newts. ADF's (African Dwarf Frogs)can be kept in some community tanks but you would need to know the exact species of the other things and check out compatibility then. There are simply too many different types of crabs, crawfish...
  15. G

    Are Fish Diseases Transmissable To Adf's/shrimp/snails?

    I think it's just like the rest of the animal kingdom. Most humans don't catch dog sicknesses and they don't catch ours, etc. I'm sure there are some instances of cross-over but probably 90% of the things that affect fish won't affect the shrimp or frogs.
  16. G

    Three Spot Gourami?

    You posted in the Invertebrates forum but here's my answer anyhow... Blue/Opaline/3-spot Gourami's grow up to 6". Pearl Gourami's grow up to 5". Dwarf Gourami's grow to around 2"-2.5". Your tank is large enough but what else do you have in it? That would determine what you should add. Here...
  17. G

    Breeding Amano Shrimps

    First thing you want to learn if you are going to breed Amano Shrimps is that they are no longer Caridina Japonica. In August 2006, it was learned that a previous person catalogued them 32 years earlier than the person who named them C. Japonica so their correct scientific name is Caridina...
  18. G

    Fish Problems

    I couldn't see anything except your fish in the pictures but the drawing looks much like a Hydra. Let us know.
  19. G

    Heater Question

    If the 100W ever breaks, replace it with two 50W heaters. This way, if either of them ever fail in the stuck on or off position, there won't be a potential catastrophe. With a single full size heater, in the event it gets stuck on, it could overheat the tank or if it gets stuck off, the tank...
  20. G

    Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish

    The former Soviet Union crumbled because it was built solely on communism and government ownership and control of everything. Every country that tries that ultimately fails. Heck, even China is realizing it has to become more market-based if it wants to continue to grow and thrive. If people...
  21. G

    Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish

    You must be watching CNN (Clinton News Network). LOL Our economy is booming over here. The stock market is at all time highs. Unemployment is at all time lows and basically there is ZERO unemployment for people who want a job. Heck, we even have 12 million illegal aliens from Mexico who...
  22. G

    Cherry Shrimp Going Crazy

    I've only had my cherry shrimp tank for about 2 months and I've had at least two hatchings and about 6 more females are carrying eggs. I'm in the middle of setting up a deal with my LFS to start selling them cherry shrimp.
  23. G

    Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish

    There are 10 times more idiotic politicians for every idiotic pet owner (as a percentage). If it wasn't for people standing up to the idiocy of some laws and politicians, there would never have been a USA and the many other democracies all around the world. When politicians, dictators, kings...
  24. G

    Hit A Wall While Cycleing.

    GH is General Hardness (in simple terms). KH is Carbonate Hardness. Your "hardness" level is probably GH so it is kind of low meaning you have soft water. More than likely your KH is very low which is what is possibly causing your cycling stall. Your alkalinity test (which is primarily made...
  25. G

    Buttercup Fish & Danio

    I'd never heard of a buttercup fish either but I did a quick Google and the only thing I see are a couple of water plants known as buttercup's. In the future, you need to...
  26. G

    Cherry Shrimp Going Crazy

    Do the penguin's and neon's school together? If not, you should probably fill out the school if your tank can handle the bioload. When schooling fish are not in a proper school, they often act aggressive and unsocial. According to their profile on Mongabay and BadmansTropicalFish, they do...
  27. G

    Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish

    Now all ya'll have to do is have a big crawfish boil, invite the spineless politicians over and tell them if they would relax the import laws, you could have them more often and maybe even have fund-raisers for the politicians. I bet if they knew they could scalp some money off the crawfish...
  28. G

    Algae Shrimp

    Strategically place a piece of algae wafer or a flake or something he likes to eat in a nice picturesque spot and he'll stay still while eating so you can get the right focusing. I find that I need to take about 20 pictures for every one that looks 1/2 way decent. Thank God for digital...
  29. G

    Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish

    But it's the "whole" crawfish boil party experience that makes them so good. Lobsters are normally eaten by people with arthritic pinky's (sticking out all the time while they eat... LOL) where crawfish boils are for us normal folk who like to drink beer (or your favorite non-alcoholic...
  30. G

    Hit A Wall While Cycleing.

    Between your user name and your sub-title, I was worried you were in the wrong forum. LOL What is your GH and KH and pH? Quite often for people with soft water or water with low KH, the pH will crash because the N-bacteria utilize KH in their processing of ammonia/nitrites. When this...
  31. G

    Cherry Shrimp Going Crazy

    You should add some easy to grow low-light plants to your tank to help suck up them nitrates. Shrimps do not do well in water with high nitrates. You can get some Java Moss and either let it lay on the bottom or you can anchor it with monofilament line to some wood or an ornament, which cherry...
  32. G

    Algae Shrimp

    I think we discussed this in this forum recently but it could have been on another site. Even though I'm sure they'll continue to be improperly called Caridina Japonica for a while in the hobby since they've been known as that for so long, their species name changed back in August 2006 due to...
  33. G

    Suicidal Koi

    He must have heard that there is a pond in the neighborhood so he's trying to break out. A Koi is supposed to grow up to 36" and should be in at least a 1,000 gallon pond so they have ample swimming room and growing room. Keeping a koi in an aquarium, unless it's a gigantic tank, is not right...
  34. G

    Meaty Feasts For Evil Shrimp

    I think they need lots of low-fat protein rich foods.. meaning fish meat! I've seen people use faux crab meat as a source of low-fat protein rich fish product that is less expensive than other things but get whatever is less expensive.
  35. G

    Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish

    LOL. It's not porn! Here's Wikipedia's take on it... (scroll 1/2 way down to crawfish boils) Here's a Google search for "pinch the tail" "suck the head". Almost all of the first 50 hits were about crawfish boils. For some reason an NPR blog made...
  36. G

    Algae Shrimp

    Don't forget Cherry Shrimp!
  37. G

    Crayfish Question

    They like to have a place to hide when they molt to be protected from predators... even ones that may not exist at the moment. Put a clay flower pot in the tank at an angle so it can crawl under the opening like a cave. It should also have some type of permanent cave in the future.... that's...
  38. G


    They are probably able to synthetically reproduce the key ingredients.... but if not, I think they have funnels and jars around the fire hydrants where ever coyotes hang out! :D
  39. G

    Thinking Of Starting A Koi Pond

    Much easier to do. The same page I gave you earlier will give you guidance for that also. Pond goldfish (long-bodied) should have at least 50G per goldfish as a bare minimum and would be better with 100G per goldfish as they reach adult size (10" - 12" for comets/shubunkins and 18" - 24" for...
  40. G

    Algae Shrimp

    I bought 25 cherry shrimp for my 10G planted tank and since then, a couple of batches of fry (sp?) have hatched so I must have well over 50 in there now. Very low bioload and 0.0 ppm nitrates since the plants are sucking them up so well. I still do 25% PWC's weekly to replace the trace...