i have bought 5 algae shripm and would like to no if they do a good job cleaning the algae off the tank? and would 5 be enough to clean up a 125 gallon tank?
I have two in a 10 gal tank and they have pretty much cleaned all the crap up, and packaged it into nice small sausage shaped pieces of crap! They haven't touched the algae yet, that said there isn't that much as the tank is quite recently set up. they'll eat the algae better if thy aren't well fed on fish food. I know mine have a tendency to grab as many bits of food as they can as they drop into the tank then run away to eat it.
Considering the fish you have in your 125, cherry shrimp would likely become snacks. Even the amano's may succumb to a hungry fish eventually. Since your tank is large, you should probably look at a pleco which would be able to handle the algae on that large of a tank where you would need lots and lots of shrimp to handle that much volume. There are literally hundreds or thousands of different types so do a little research on them. I've had Liposarcus Pardalis (one of the "Common Pleco" varieties) and a BN (bristlenose) pleco which both will eat most algae types. The BN only grows to around 5-6" where the common pleco varieties grow to 18"+. The BN plecos are so ugly they are cute and many people like the males because the bristles are much larger and uglier. LOL They make a nice topic of discussion if you like unusual fish.
What kind of algae problem are you having? Is your tank getting direct sunlight or daylight or too much lighting from your bulbs?
i did have a common pleco but it died, and it did do a great job but that was a while ago.
i would say that it is too much light, i used to do an 8 hour light cycle but have cut it down to 6. its not in direct sunlight but the room the tanks in does get alot of light. the algae is growing rapidly though, and to be honest it is making the tank look dirty! i do 3 water changes a week now, is that ok?