Are Fish Diseases Transmissable To Adf's/shrimp/snails?


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
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In my 60L I have 1 male betta, 2 ADF's and 3 amano shrimp.If any of the yucky fish diseases affect my betta ( i hope not) would they be transmissable to the ADF's and Shrimp or are all the common diseases selective to the fish? I am aware the tank would still have the diseases in the water and that would have to be addressed, fish would be put in our hospital tank to be treated and if so would I have to treat the main tank as if there was no fish host present to breed disease with water changes would that be ok? Forewarned is fore armed! I have been lucky so far but I am worried that it is going too well and would like to have a plan of action that we could follow in the event of our fish/other critters becomming ill. I am off shopping tomorrow to add to our hospital tank collection so we are prepared to isolate frogs/shrimp/fish if necessary. Mr TubbyLaLa is not great on research and I would like to make a fact sheet for him if anything happens when I am not around and for me too LOL!
(I have already printed out the great info on diseases on the emergency forum and it is kept by the tanks :good: just got to make sure I have the right equipment just in case anything does go icky )
Thanks good to know the shrimps would be ok just want to be sure I do not have to over medicate the main tank if and fish related disease could be controlled by moving the betta to the hospital tank that would be a bonus (as long as I made sure the water in the main tank was ok for fish to go back in. Anyonre have an idea about the frogs?
No, I don't think so. I'm about 80% sure on this. Might want to do a little google work.
Been Googling but have still not come up with a conclusive answer. Thanks Dude and Rex for the help :good: will have to put in some more research time!
I've found an answer on an ADF site. Thry're not succeptable to fish deseases. I'm pretty sure that they canh get bloat, or gas bubble disease.
I believe some fish diseases can be transmitted to inverts. It won't affect them, and will die off unless it finds itself a proper host (another fish).
I think it's just like the rest of the animal kingdom. Most humans don't catch dog sicknesses and they don't catch ours, etc. I'm sure there are some instances of cross-over but probably 90% of the things that affect fish won't affect the shrimp or frogs.
Most viruses, and bacteria are highly specialised to only infect one species. But there are a few who are what I like to call, host whores. Like teberculosus, rare in fish, but can be transferred between species. Then there's Avian influenza, common in birds, most can fight it off, but it can kill humans as we haven't naturally built up an immunity or antibody to it yet like most birds have. Then there's AIDs, which is theorized to have started in primates such as Chimpanzees, who may I remind you, share about 98 - 99% of the human gentic code, making the transmission quite an easy jump. However, the ape in question had to attack and bite a person, or by territorial instinct, hurled their feces at a man, therefore transmitting the virus. What I'm trying to say here is that most diseases and viral infections are highly specialized and geared to one specific group or even species, and if introduced to another animal, will most likely die off before infection. So I'd say that there's a 98% that your froggies, or your shrimp are going to be ok.

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