

Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2006
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Ontario Canada
last night i had a cat come from no were and killed 3 of my fish, i was wonding what to do to keep them out? i was thinking a net or something over the pond, what do you guys use to keep them out?
last night i had a cat come from no were and killed 3 of my fish, i was wonding what to do to keep them out? i was thinking a net or something over the pond, what do you guys use to keep them out?
There is already a thread about how to scare cats away.
You could try putting some "mesh" over the pond, or LOL, you could use a dog.
put rope like stuff over it. lol.. the name slipped out of my mind.. lol....
a. Put some netting over the pond, or
b. Raise the level of the pond edges so they are too far above the water level for a cat to reach fish from, or
c. Get a dog, or
d. Put chicken wire above the fences/walls in the garden and any places where cats could enter- cats can't jump over chicken wire, and so if the garden is sealed off with it they can't get to the pond either. Putting chicken wire or a similar type of wire around the pond is also an option. Or
e. Bulk out the sides of the pond with lots of plants, and hope that they offer the fish enough protection. Make sure the pond is at least 3ft deep is also important to in protecting the fish from predators.

There is also a type of plant whose scent is also reported to drive cats away, if you are interested.
There are also chemicals that cats don't like that you can put on the lawn, but these would be toxic to fish if they got washed into the pond by rain, so i wouldn't personally recommend these chemicals.
You can also buy coyote urine from some garden centers and pour this around your pond. It is suppose to scare off anything else from going near your pond. Of course, if you have coyotes in your area, it might draw them in. No sure. :unsure:
You can also buy coyote urine from some garden centers and pour this around your pond. It is suppose to scare off anything else from going near your pond. Of course, if you have coyotes in your area, it might draw them in. No sure. :unsure:

coyote urine ??? hmm i wonder whos job it is to collect that !!!!
You can also buy coyote urine from some garden centers and pour this around your pond. It is suppose to scare off anything else from going near your pond. Of course, if you have coyotes in your area, it might draw them in. No sure. :unsure:

coyote urine ??? hmm i wonder whos job it is to collect that !!!!
They are probably able to synthetically reproduce the key ingredients.... but if not, I think they have funnels and jars around the fire hydrants where ever coyotes hang out! :D

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